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Wanting To Learn Sourcepawn Scripting


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You'll never get as good of a tutorial for pawn as there is for PHP or other major languages. Although it's based off of C, you don't need to learn C. It's a simple language so it shouldn't take much to learn. Start here: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Introduction_to_SourcePawn. That's about all you'll really need to get started.

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Here is the tutorial:



Before you write the mods, you need to get

Source Dedicated Server (srcds) to test your mods



Then you need to install metamod. SourceMod is a Metamod.



Then SourceMod itself so you have the libraries



To do your coding in SourcePawn, I'd say use the PawnStudio IDE


Edited by BlackEyes
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Thanks for the info! Looks good, I'll dive into it when I get home from school.



Before you write the mods, you need to get

Source Dedicated Server (srcds) to test your mods



Then you need to install metamod. SourceMod is a Metamod.



Then SourceMod itself so you have the libraries



I've setup and installed many SRCDS server, so this is second narture. ;)

Edited by Enigmo
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I call it, BaconMod! I'm quite happy with myself considering I've never coded a SourceMod plugin until a few hours ago. :P


#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo = {
name = "Bacon",
author = "Enigmo",
description = "Share your love of bacon with everyone.",
version = "1.0",
url = "www.enigmo.co"

public OnPluginStart(){
RegAdminCmd("sm_bacon", commandBacon, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "Tell everyone how much you love bacon.");

public Action:commandBacon(client, args){
if(args < 1){
 PrintToConsole(client, "[baconMod] You need to tell everyone how crispy you like your bacon!");
 PrintToConsole(client, "[baconMod] Usage: sm_bacon <crispyness>");
 PrintToChat(client, "[baconMod] You need to tell everyone why you love bacon so much!");
 PrintToChat(client, "[baconMod] Usage: !bacon \"crispyness\"");
 return Plugin_Handled;

new String:Arg1[32], String:userName[32];

GetCmdArg(1, Arg1, sizeof(Arg1));
GetClientName(client, userName, sizeof(userName));

PrintToChatAll("[baconMod] %s loves their bacon %s", userName, Arg1);

return Plugin_Handled;

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  • 5 months later...

Try reversing your if statement so that the first statement is the header change. As Enigma stated, outputting crap outside of php tags can cause the buffer to be sent. As such, you cannot modify the headers. Use ob_start too, again as Enigma suggested.

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Guest The_Monkey

Try reversing your if statement so that the first statement is the header change. As Enigma stated, outputting crap outside of php tags can cause the buffer to be sent. As such, you cannot modify the headers. Use ob_start too, again as Enigma suggested.


LOL what.

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Try reversing your if statement so that the first statement is the header change. As Enigma stated, outputting crap outside of php tags can cause the buffer to be sent. As such, you cannot modify the headers. Use ob_start too, again as Enigma suggested.



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Try reversing your if statement so that the first statement is the header change. As Enigma stated, outputting crap outside of php tags can cause the buffer to be sent. As such, you cannot modify the headers. Use ob_start too, again as Enigma suggested.


Which conversation are you apart of exactly? Because it isn't this one.


On topic, the crispyness parameter for the bacon command isn't sanitized to prevent unwanted input, therefor the plugin is inherently flawed. I will not be distributing my love of bacon to the masses using this plugin as a result.

Edited by Papa John
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