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a human being

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  1. It would be an incentive to give a little more than minimal effort
  2. Add a code that will only count the top 80% of the humans on the scoreboard so it will filter out those who have barely any points
  3. The whole point of the zombie survival game mode is to survive 6 waves as human or complete the objectives needed to win a map. I think humans should get something rather than just points as a reward for doing these tasks. Make it so humans get decks for winning certain maps according to their win rates. (it would look something like this.) Maps with a 1-3% win rate = large chest for all humans that survive Maps with a 4-6% win rate = chest for all humans that survive Maps with a 7-10% win rate = large deck for all humans that survive Maps with a win rate of 11% and above = small deck for all humans that survive *note* when the server has less than 30 players the basic reward for winning any map would just be a small deck because some maps become extremely easy for humans because of lower population Implementing this would give more ways to earn card rewards rather than honorable mentions, random bonus crate drops, and getting a deck every 60 minutes of playtime
  4. lost 90% of my cards, im not the only one
  5. yes PLEASE do this i beg yall, this will bring life back to solocading
  6. Mainly when u look at the zombie spawn with the fence in the corner of the map
  7. good map, u just get really bad FPS drops when looking in some spots, that’s why I don’t like it
  8. i vote rebalance it, just add a trait that makes you immune to its knockdown that cost 15 worth
  9. most favorite: tickle nightmare, 1 person can literally fuck entire human side if u know how to use it correctly least favorite: nerf, most braindead mechanic in the game, right click to knock down human almost always results in death
  10. Weapon Name: Shortbow Reason: 5 shortbows = humans win more than half the time, throw the point multipliers out the window they are simply overpowered. 5 shortbows kills nightmare in 5 seconds remove them completely, or decrease stock to 2
  11. its not like the wendigo, this boss can knock you down from halfway across the map, instead of a melee range the nerf was never intended to knock the jug over, its a bug that never got fixed try dodging the jump when you are getting chased by 3 other fast zombies (i speak from experience which you clearly lack) the delay doesnt matter, if you get knocked over one time you are dead unless theres other humans with you
  12. you can dodge their normal claw attack, (its not hard) its the knockdown is what kills the players, it doesnt matter how good you are if you get knocked over you are SCREWED.