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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 51969 views

SOOO, yeah! :D As some of you might already know,On this day, I have been in HG for exactly ONE year! :D It's also my birthday in april (4-20, you jelly?), and for that, Kimzy's gonna do a little giveaway! :3


I decided to link the giveaway to the front page donations, always nice for HG to have a few extra donators, ennit? Basically, for every 5 dollars you donate (on the front page, so not for buying admin/gold/vip/...) in the month of April, you get one ticket. Let's say you can get a maximum of 10 tickets, to keep it fair for everyone. To make sure I don't miss anyone, post in this thread after you've donated, that kind of makes it easier for both of us :) I decided to make it open for every registered user that donated to the front page in April 2012.


What's to be won? First prize is 100 $ to be spent online on either the Razer shop (http://www.razerzone.com/) or the online Steelseries shop (http://steelseries.com/us/home). Since I'm outside of the US I might have trouble getting that fixed but I have my chick on the side Enigma <3 to help with that if needed.


Second prize is a steam game up to 50 $ (or 2 of 25 or whatever :) ), 3 months of admin on one hellsgamers server, or 1 month of admin on all hellsgamers servers.


Cause I'll probably be having exams at the end of april the drawing of the winners will take place either on saturday the 5th of may, or sunday the 6th of may.


Good luck :3






  • What?

    1st prize: 100$ to be spent in online Steelseries or Razer store


    2nd prize: 50 $ steam game, 3months of admin on 1 HG server or 1 month of

    admin on all HG servers.


  • Who?

    EVERY front page donator. You do not have to be an HG member, you do

    need to be registered on the forums.


  • When?

    1st till 30th of April.


  • How to participate?

    Donate on HG front page. 1 ticket/ 5$, maximum of 10 tickets, post in this

    thread after you've done so.


  • Drawing?

    May 5th or 6th.




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