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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 50707 views

So I've technically been here a year so I decided to go all out and beat all the other giveaways with my AWSOME give away!

The winner of this give away will have the chioce of ...................................:drum::drum::drum::drum::drum:

6 games of their choosing or the EVGA 02G-P4-2678-KR GeForce GTX 670 FTW 2GB 256-bit

GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card!!!!:pepper::pepper::cheers::oo:







1). You must be apart of HG. That means anyone here from -hg- to [C] can enter.

2). You must post either on the thread or the article to enter the giveaway

3). Only one entry per person. No spamming on this thread or the article a million times!!! You only get ONE ENTRY.

4). This giveaway will be completely random using a random generator.

5). I will stop taking entries for the giveaway on July 12th and announce the winner on July 15th sometime during the late afternoon on the east coast.










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