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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1483 views

The time has come for HeLLsGamers to expand into Day of Defeat: Source!












Day of Defeat: Source is a World War 2 based game with 2 teams, the allies and the axis. Both teams fight for capture points to control enemy territory and once one of the teams controls all of the capture points, that team wins. We have one server which is our 24/7 avalanche server that can be found at







Don't have it? No Problem! The game can be purchased in the steam store for only $6.69 ($9.99 when the steam sale is over), and is well worth the money. So come give back to the community by helping populate our first Day of Defeat:Source server!


Not Convinced? How about free admin on the server! All you need to do is send me a PM with your steam ID and a request to be added to the DoD: Source admin list. (HeLLsGamers members only)


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