Eric's HG League 1v1 Tourney
Do you have what it takes to escape the Abyss as the sole victor?
Date: April 9th, 2021
Game Server: Teamspeak 3 (IP: hellsgamers.com), League of Legends Client (Riot ID: krapcire)
Event Management:
- Host(s): [HG] Eric [M|CE]
- Event Manager: [HG] Eric [M|CE]
- Event Streamer(s): [HG] Eric [M|CE]
Voice chat attendance:
- Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com
- Please join the Discord channel before the event starts. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/2ue8EJM
How to play:
- Just straight up League on Howling Abyss.
Who can play:
- Everyone from Friend of HG to Council
Event rules:
- Players must sign up on the event sign up post (https://hellsgamers.com/forums/topic/145218-erics-hg-league-1v1-tourney-sign-up/) to participate. Both players will hit "Random" during champ select 3 times. Players will then take turns banning 2 champs that were rolled into the champ pool similar to Draft Pick and Ranked. Lower seed will get first ban. Both players will agree on what same champion they will both play based on the 6 champs that were rolled and banned between the 2 players. First kill wins match. Semifinals and 3rd place match are best-of-3. Finals are best-of-5. All other matches are best-of-1. Standard HG rules.
General HG rules:
- NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
- NO ghosting.
- DO NOT be disrespectful
- NO sexual harassment of players.
- DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
- NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining.
- NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank.
- All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags.
- NO name impersonation of anyone.
- If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned.
Top 3 players at the end of the tournament will receive prizes!
1st Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points
2nd Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points minus whatever 1st place picked
3rd Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points minus whatever 1st and 2nd place picked
Additional Information & Credits:
Thanks to @zoomy for the amazing GFX work!
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