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Secret Santa Event

Menoch By Menoch, in Events, , 6 comments, 2094 views

Join us for a Holiday Event of gift giving and cheer!


Thanks to @eXiTe for the GFX work


·All of December leading up to Christmas

·Presents will be taken until the 23rd

·Gifts given on the 25th



How to Play:

·Give your Gift of items to Menoch or Governor

·Wait until the 25th

·Get your Present along with the name of whose present it was ( your present will be given through a random number generator in which each item is assigned an number)

·(Optional) Send a message to your Santa




Ø Your gift amount must exceed 5 dollars in value

Ø You get what you receive. That means that csgo stuff get csgo and etc.

Ø NO Steam Money or any form of digital cash is accepted

Ø NO Games

Ø NO more than 10 items in 1 gift

Ø Don't complain if you get an item you don't want. Its Christmas

Ø Have Fun

Ø If you are caught sending a trade to try scam Menoch's or Governor's items you will be BANNED


Ø Ensure you are interacting with the correct user(s)



STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:103777449






Anyone from Friend of HG to council





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