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[TF2] Freak Fortress 2

3V0Lu710N By 3V0Lu710N, in Events, , 1 comment, 2354 views

One vs All, All vs One, Who will cause the most chaos? Join us April 18th 2015, At 5 PM EST/EDT, 11 PM CET, 4 PM CST/CDT, 2 PM Pacific Daylight Time to find out!







Host: HG | 3V0Lu710N

RSVP HERE: http://hellsgamers.c...eak-fortress-2/



  • Date: Saturday,18 April 2015
  • Time: 5 PM EST/EDT, 11 PM CET, 4 PM CST/CDT, 2 PM Pacific Daylight Time
  • Server: [HG] TF2 Community Events Server
  • Please be in our Teamspeak 3 server 30 minutes before the event!
  • Server IP and password will be given out in TeamSpeak3 (voice.hellsgamers.com:2012) before the event starts!


  • Freak Fortress 2 is a modification that extends the concept of VS Saxton Hale Mode.
  • Like the original Saxton Hale mod, the mod changes the rules of Arena maps, making all players fight against a single, but very powerful boss.
  • Bosses are based on Community fads. Each has different abilities, but they share similar concepts and rules.
  • All of them have relatively large amounts of health points, which varies, depending on the amount of opposing players.
  • They are restricted to using melee attacks, though they deal a large amount of damage -- 210±10 points per hit -- enough to kill most classes in a single hit.
  • Bosses can also have forms of advanced movement, such as super-jump.
  • They can also build "Rage" when damaged.
  • When their rage meter is full, they can unleash a powerful attack, which causes an effect that varies depending on the boss they are playing as.
  • Bosses are mostly melee-only when not in rage mode.
  • Goomba Stomp and RTD will be enabled on this event.
  • TL;DR It's an all vs 1 game mode where the boss gets stronger the more players there are in the server.
  • Freak Fortress 2 WIKI Page

Who can play ?


Prizes (top 3 players with the highest score will be rewarded)

  • 1st Place - 1 month of gold subscription (any game)
  • 2nd Place - 10,000 rep or 15,000 credits
  • 3rd Place - 5,000 rep or 10,000 credits


  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO ghosting.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful.
  • NO sexual harassment of female players.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
  • NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
  • NO name impersonation of ANYONE.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.


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