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Guest By Guest, in Free Giveaways, , 0 comments, 1508 views

What the title says, cos I'm feeling generous with these deals goin on ^__^


There will be two raffles: first one for Portal 2, second one for Crysis (The winner of Portal 2 cannot win Crysis, so it's like a secondary prize).


To enter, you must be -hg- and up.


1 post per entry and make sure your Steam ID is in your post as it will be used to determine who wins the prizes.


Since I have just pre-bought the games for this, waiting to be traded, you have 48 hours to submit an entry. Posting after the 48 hour mark will make your entry void.


Remember, 1 entry will give you a chance to win either Portal 2 or Crysis; no need to post twice for both :P


And of course, if you don't want your prize you can select someone else to have it :)


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