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Green Ranger's Stream-a-thon!

GreenRanger By GreenRanger, in HeLLsGamers News, , 6 comments, 3078 views

Hi, my name's Green Ranger and I will be hosting a streaming event on Friday June 7th! Be there!

So I'm hosting a stream event and I will be playing a bunch of random games that will also get the community involved in playing! I did this 2 weeks ago on a whim and got over 70 people involved and I believe we can go harder this time with more of a warning


There will be prizes! I will be giving stuff away as the day goes on! I will also be giving stuff away as I hit a certain number of viewers! I do believe I will be having a few people donate items to give away as well!


Be there at 7 pm Eastern time

Be there at 6 pm Central time

Be there at 5 pm Mountain time

Be there at 4 pm Pacific time


The stream: www.twitch.tv/coupleofbuddies

Event: http://hellsgamers.c...treaming-event/


You NEEEEEED to have an account in order to win prizes because I will be using a twitch app to randomly pick winners over the video! You do NOT need to follow me, although it is nice to do so. Who knows, maybe being a follower will make you win extra prizes! Cya there!


There will be a teamspeak channel for this! Depending on the amount of people, I may create a separate channel for me and/or people playing with me and a separate channel for people watching due to noise interference .


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