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Hellsgamers Gmod Cinema Karaoke Contest

EtherealHope By EtherealHope, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1986 views

Credit to

Paul :) for the video


Credit to

Shadowhuntress for the banner


Host: HG | Jaspaa <3 with GMod Leadership



  • Date: Saturday, November 14, 2015
  • Time: 5:00 PM Pacific, 6:00 PM Mountain, 7:00 PM Central, 8:00 PM Eastern *May change depending on participation*
  • Server: [HG] 24/7 Cinema! | US-Central | FastDL | HeLLsGamers.com (

How this will work:

  • You must be in TeamSpeak in order to participate! Preferably 30 minutes prior to said event.
  • When you RSVP to the event, you should post what song you want to perform. Youtube link to karaoke style of song would also be great.
  • The order will be first come, first serve. If you have a change to what song you are performing, be sure to message HG | Jaspaa <3 .
  • This will all be recorded and our leadership will be rating each performer on how well we thought each performer did.
  • Patrons are free to listen in on each performer, noting that they are polite and not annoying/talking during the song.


  • The only map on our current listings: cinema_theatron

Who can participate:

  • Everyone can play (Friend of HG and up)

General Rules:

  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO autotune or other software that changes your voice in any way, including voice changers.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful, meaning do not make fun of people for their song choice or singing ability.
  • NO sexual harassment of female players.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text or radio. Please be courteous of whoever is performing.
  • NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
  • NO name impersonation of ANYONE.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.


  • We will be handing out prizes to the top 5 performers of the night!
  • The winners will be picking their prizes from the item pool in order of position. (First place picks first, second place picks second, etc.)
  • Prize list includes:
    A copy of Portal 2, for those of you who don't have it.
    An "Inscribed Cluckles the Brave" DotA 2 courier, for those of you who are DotA nerds. http://imgur.com/TEvBTKO
    The Almighty Zeus - SMITE skin, for those of you enjoy SMITE.
    10€ worth of Gift Cards on G2A.
    10€ worth of Gift Cards on G2A.
  • Once a prize is taken, you can not claim the same prize.


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