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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1214 views

CONGRATULATIONS PROVIN, the HeLLsGamers Member of the Year!!


The HeLLsGamers Staff and Council would like to officially recognize [HG] Provin as the first ever Member of the Year.


While Provin has not been here the longest, we guarantee you've seen him around. Whether it is on Tinychat, Teamspeak, in the servers, or just posting on the forums, he's around.

Provin has a positive attitude and displays great character, all while putting up with others' bad attitudes.


At this time, we would also like to congratulate all of the finalists for the Member of the Year... (in no particular order)





Zee Super German

Lt. Awesome




Apt. 2B


These finalists stood out to the Staff and Council as members who deserved special recognition. They're all active, respectful, and represent what HG expects from all of it's members.




P.S. - You can view the HeLLsGamers Troll of the Year here: http://bit.ly/7JJSz8


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