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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1044 views




If you're in the blue area, that means you did good enough to play EdgeGamers tomorrow (1/8/11)! We hope you 20 HGers will have a great match against our step brother community! Also, if HG wins, there will be a huge Tinychat party following the game. Now I don't mean huge as in tons of people, I mean huge as in Soccer and I will be attending the party.



Top 20ers, please be in Teamspeak in the HG EVENTS channel 30 minutes prior to get the briefing.








Match INFO:


Source TV - TBA (Check back here soon!)


Server INFO: Only the top 20 will be given the password to join the server. If you aren't in the top 20 and you join the server, you will be banned for a few days.




I would like to thank the amazing Event Managers that helped with the practices and such. I would like to thank Toxygen personally for doing the scorecards and such. The other Event Managers that helped did just as amazing job as Toxygen did, but doing the scoring is hard work! (Trust me, I did it 2 times already and hated it)


The amazing other Event Managers that helped are the following:




I would also like to thank everyone who came to the practices and made them run smoothly. I know that Teamspeak did go down during some of the practices, but that didn't ruin anything :)


Go HG! :P


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