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HAL By HAL, in HeLLsGamers News, , 59 comments, 3016 views






Hey guys! So if you didn't know from the title, June 28 will be my 3 year anniversary of being a member on the forum! Yay! Haha.


Well I decided since I haven't done a single giveaway in my time in HG and I have money to spend, I'll give a bit back to the community.


In this giveaway I will be giving away 3 items; A copy of DayZ and two 1-month Gold memberships!

(Each drawing will be different, one picked for DayZ and one for the Golds)


Here's the rules for the drawings:


Must be -hg- or higher for both

Must NOT own a copy of DayZ already

Can NOT have VIP or Gold on an HG server already

Only 1 entry per person that applies (Respectively)


I will be using www.random.org for the drawings and I will close submissions for the giveaway on June 27, with the drawing being on June 28.

I will do the DayZ drawing then the Gold drawing. Please put with your post which you would like to apply for.

Thanks guys and good luck!


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ily give me dayz


*told to edit for free dayz.


Edited by Harle
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Here's the rules for the drawings:


Must be -hg- or higher for both

Must NOT own a copy of DayZ already

Can NOT have VIP or Gold on an HG server already

Only 1 entry per person that applies (Respectively)



Edited by Jaspaa <3
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I want to enter even for the dayz, even though I have trade admin for the tf2 servers, is this possible?

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I want to enter even for the dayz, even though I have trade admin for the tf2 servers, is this possible?


I mean, do you have DayZ on your Steam account? If you do then no, but if you don't, then I don't see why not. Lol.

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I Want Gold Please For Perp, Mine ran out couple days ago :C.

Or Maybe instead of gold some CSGO keys :D jk.

Edited by iReckon
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