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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1242 views

Members have been demoted as of 7/5/2011.


The following [HG] Members have been inactive for 90+ Days and have been demoted.


[HG] AnimeFreak

[HG] Bishoujo

[HG] Blackburn

[HG] BLazEN ã‚·

[HG] cover25

[HG] Daedalus


[HG] Daskid

[HG] Dryer Spin

[HG] Heavymetal_fan

[HG] ieatpandas


[HG] K0killer2

[HG] Ken

[HG] KenjiFukui

[HG] KusH

[HG] Leaky Faucet

[HG] Lt.Col dpoint.-Nate

[HG] Magic of Macys

[HG] md.blur

[HG] mr.happy

[HG] Novatof

[HG] pocceemon

[HG] Red and Dead

[HG] Slayer

[HG] soliloquist

[HG] Splizes

[HG] Two-Step

[HG] Vietnam Tom

[HG] xsniperx7 (FEESH)


[HG] Yoohoo

HG.cs | c`LoW

HG.cs | illusi0n

HG.cs | br0ken

HG.cs | phe



The following -hg- Recruits have been inactive for 30+ days and have been demoted.

-hg- ๖ۣۜOG PurpleDrank ๖ۣۜOG

-hg- <JP>

-hg- *~Lucky5t4r~*

-hg- .#d4nK

-hg- /Spacely/

-hg- 123zc

-hg- 48Rabbit

-hg- aceroc

-hg- AcHiLLeS

-hg- aforgottenoob

-hg- Akihosin

-hg- Almika

-hg- Alpha808

-hg- AltF4

-hg- Amplify^

-hg- Anarchy24

-hg- Anz1

-hg- armand

-hg- asd

-hg- Asics

-hg- Athlon

-hg- Axio

-hg- A_Rabid_Cat

-hg- BackDBandit

-hg- Backpage

-hg- Bambi

-hg- bearattack

-hg- Big Nasty


-hg- blackgun76

-hg- BlackPvt.Parts

-hg- blademast329

-hg- Bobby is so tense

-hg- boeing Guy

-hg- Bos

-hg- Bradlius

-hg- Break`

-hg- Bunny

-hg- Cakespray

-hg- Capt. Cock Block

-hg- carrillo232

-hg- cassgirl21

-hg- Chester Chuckles

-hg- Chocolate Pancakes

-hg- Chubs

-hg- Colt

-hg- CorruptedSinner

-hg- Countable

-hg- cpoz421

-hg- Cribin

-hg- Crispey01

-hg- cryptiikxi

-hg- Cryptovirology

-hg- dacookiemonstax

-hg- danielaung

-hg- Dargoria

-hg- darkkiller

-hg- DarkSpartanOne

-hg- Daunte

-hg- deathbox

-hg- DeathRacer

-hg- DeathSwitch

-hg- DeBon4G

-hg- DemocracyIsDead

-hg- dennis

-hg- Denode

-hg- DeNoob

-hg- Donkeyfish

-hg- Dont BLink

-hg- DoritosMan

-hg- DrClutch

-hg- DreamMerked

-hg- Drugged Koala Bear

-hg- drummer_920

-hg- dukstr315

-hg- Ecoste

-hg- emnesty16

-hg- eod

-hg- extremfail

-hg- Falco

-hg- Fallout

-hg- Fatical

-hg- FIBR3 OP7iX

-hg- frost

-hg- Frylock

-hg- Fuguzawaz

-hg- Fumbles

-hg- furrbyy

-hg- G-mAn

-hg- Gangster Bean

-hg- Garm1oo

-hg- Gator

-hg- Gavin

-hg- Goat

-hg- GoMbY

-hg- Gooch

-hg- GoodOddsAgainst

-hg- Gorilla

-hg- GreensKoolAid

-hg- GroundZ

-hg- guy-

-hg- havock07

-hg- headband

-hg- heyimjustin

-hg- higoishigami

-hg- Hobag

-hg- hobodemuerto

-hg- HustlerBunny

-hg- hyeroller

-hg- i H A X

-hg- I like Waffles

-hg- ihcTactics

-hg- ImmaBustYour_TheTerminator

-hg- inautikin

-hg- JamesButryn

-hg- jangofet120

-hg- jasonBuffa

-hg- Jeffro456B

-hg- Jesus


-hg- Joker

-hg- JToke12

-hg- jwtingle423

-hg- kadinho10

-hg- KanyoN

-hg- Kapn Krunch

-hg- kidwars9954

-hg- Killroy


-hg- KingTiger95

-hg- KizZeh

-hg- klolp

-hg- Knives And Bullets

-hg- knownfornipples

-hg- Koko

-hg- Korea_xD

-hg- Kreiel

-hg- Krunk Fu

-hg- Kurou!

-hg- Kush boy

-hg- kushkontrol

-hg- lafaver

-hg- Last Hope

-hg- Lee

-hg- LegionOfKrios

-hg- Liammm

-hg- Libertus

-hg- LifeUpStudios

-hg- limecat

-hg- lmparkhurst

-hg- lolbomb

-hg- LOLpants

-hg- LoneWolf925

-hg- Look Its Vee

-hg- loomis

-hg- Lord Marshall Fox

-hg- LordCremation

-hg- Lord_Void

-hg- LSGraal

-hg- Luda-Tissue

-hg- MacDj

-hg- Magic Rastaf

-hg- magz123

-hg- Malf�us

-hg- malingator

-hg- Manignort

-hg- Matakes

-hg- Matthew

-hg- Maus

-hg- Maxer

-hg- mazak

-hg- mclovin189

-hg- Mehan

-hg- meloaded

-hg- Menthro

-hg- Merz

-hg- mikevm

-hg- MikeYM

-hg- milkbone911

-hg- minzy

-hg- Mister Herbert

-hg- MitchMonsta

-hg- Mkoki

-hg- Moonberry

-hg- Moopsy

-hg- mrblonde321

-hg- MrFuzzy

-hg- mrs.happy

-hg- n3m1s1s

-hg- Nachtelend

-hg- naruto12900

-hg- Neontank

-hg- Neptune

-hg- Nickals

-hg- Nimnitz

-hg- Ninja101

-hg- Ninja`

-hg- Nok Tragedy

-hg- Nova

-hg- Novalogics

-hg- nrd

-hg- Nuggz

-hg- nycelite

-hg- NyGhTMaRE

-hg- Over9000

-hg- PancakZ

-hg- Pandemic

-hg- Pedo Clyde

-hg- Po Lice


-hg- Poopin The Turd

-hg- priddle

-hg- rambo

-hg- Randy

-hg- Reaper1337

-hg- Reflex0494

-hg- Rhazey

-hg- Rick Astley

-hg- rickjames

-hg- RikuYe

-hg- Rmerac

-hg- rygaku

-hg- SabreW

-hg- Sadface

-hg- sam77

-hg- sammer2232

-hg- SAS_lynx

-hg- Sato

-hg- scottyyy

-hg- secretbloxer

-hg- September

-hg- sharpie264

-hg- Sheeppy


-hg- ShowTime

-hg- Sick-Ed

-hg- Sid183

-hg- Sirfancalot

-hg- skipper142

-hg- SkoalEdge

-hg- Skruf

-hg- Sparx229

-hg- Sprinsky

-hg- State =ATL=

-hg- StealthPredator

-hg- Stevenson

-hg- StevYYY

-hg- stickfrog

-hg- Stutters

-hg- Sub

-hg- SuBz3r0

-hg- SubZero

-hg- Suler47

-hg- SupaLolCat

-hg- SuperSix

-hg- SwampChomp

-hg- Swifty

-hg- Syaoran

-hg- Syndicate

-hg- T3CH N9ne

-hg- Tesseus

-hg- TH3xON3

-hg- TheBobSaget

-hg- TheeeAsian

-hg- TheRealJosh

-hg- Tig3r

-hg- Tony Urmoma

-hg- TorsoShirt

-hg- TurtlesCanFly

-hg- T�k�n

-hg- ublinkd

-hg- UndeadSoldier411

-hg- Vin'ss

-hg- Waldo

-hg- warteck

-hg- WeaverTheMonkey

-hg- wicked7000

-hg- will.kill4kronic

-hg- Wipeout

-hg- Wodahs

-hg- x iBEAN x

-hg- X3n0n

-hg- xToYSolDiieR-x-

-hg- Y0G|S0TH0TH

-hg- Yellow Simba Cat GOD

-hg- Young Blood

-hg- zAl Gore

-hg- Zeb.

-hg- Zeeky Note

-hg- Ziggy Stardust

-hg- Zoltan

-hg- Zombiefreek


Remember to stay active on the forums and in-game. If you have any problems please feel free to contact Jella or Jake


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