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League Of Legends Donger Dash

Kalron By Kalron, in HeLLsGamers News, , 11 comments, 3618 views

The Strategy Division is hosting a League Of Legends Donger Dash event!

What: Teams of 5 will have a 15mins to farm without fighting other champions, then the race will start, last alive wins.


When: March 30th 4 PM EST, 3 PM CST, 1 PM PST, 2 PM MST. Please show up 15mins prior to starting.



Rules :


General Game Rules:

  • Banned Champs : Shen, Poppy, TF, Teemo, BlitzCrank and Pantheon are now auto-banned.
  • Teleport is not allowed.
  • You can use any rune or mastery you'd like.
  • If you die during the race you are allowed to defend your fountain (you have to stay on your fountain and you may attack whoever passes by).
  • When you pass by your own base you are allowed to buy/sell items and heal up.
  • Average game duration is ~25m.
  • No Trash talking & Spamming

First 15mins

  • You can't attack other champions using auto-attacks, abilities or summoner spells.
  • You can jungle, kill dragon, steal enemy jungle creeps.
  • You're supposed to farm up with your team during this time!
  • When it's 15:00 everyone will back and buy items in the shop and go straight to top lane.
  • You are allowed to buy any item you'd like.

15Mins +

  • Everyone meets in the top lane. You may not attack each other yet!
  • Someone has to count down in the all-chat.
  • Team blue goes clockwise.
  • Team purple goes counter-clockwise.
  • You can't stand still for too long.
  • You have to hug the walls and go around the enemy Nexus.
  • When you meet the enemies are allowed to attack/slow/stun do whatever you'd like. Youcan't chase the enemy though!
  • You can't recall!
  • The last man standing wins! If there's no winner after 30 minutes the one who did the most laps/is the furthest ahead wins! Take note teamwork is still very important!

( http://redd.it/1ugu5a )







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