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MMO Division - World of Warcraft

moo By moo, in HeLLsGamers News, , 39 comments, 2260 views

Here we go guys, the time has officially come. We are nearing Christmas and you may be wondering, "What do I want for Christmas?" Good question, World of Warcraft. Now I know how much you love MMO's and have definitely heard of WoW, but why try to get into the game so late? Easy, the community for WoW is still very large and the story line can still be played even if you do not have the newest game Mists of Pandaria.






Here we go guys, the time has officially come. We are nearing Christmas and you may be wondering, "What do I want for Christmas?" Good question, World of Warcraft. Now I know how much you love MMO's and have definitely heard of WoW, but why try to get into the game so late? Easy, the community for WoW is still very large and the story line can still be played even if you do not have the newest game Mists of Pandaria.


As Christmas draws near, so do the sales on all of the games on battle.net and many other companies. We have already seen a steep drop in prices for the WoW series twice now within the last month. Check regularly for these prices again because it is predicted to happen atleast two more times before Christmas. The first sale price is on the first three games, World of Warcraft, Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King. You get all three games for $5 dollars AND a month of playing time. Cataclysm will cost around $10 dollars and Mists of Pandaria will more than likely be at $20 dollars. The last sale right before Christmas may even be lower for the last two games. The game is still a pay-to-play game, remember this when buying it and plan accordingly.


What does the HellsGamers guild have to offer on Illidan?


Our guild is community based and you can always find someone on during the day. We are currently a level 25 guild which gives you increased leveling experience when starting out a new character on the realm and awessome guild rewards that you can later dwell on farther into the game.


If I level my character on WoW, will I be alone?


No. Just ask for help, we always will help a fellow guild member level through the more difficult and the not so difficult parts of the games. Power leveling through dungeons is also an option.


Once I get level 90, can I start to raid with the guild?


Yes and no, raiding requires a certain item level and you should know how to do some of the fights. We offer help in getting all gear needed to start doing Looking for Raids and later will be doing regular 10 man raids with the guild. We welcome anyone to raid with us and will be glad to show anyone how to do raid bosses that they may not know how to do.




If you want to buy the game for the first time, REMEMBER: there is an option for Recruit-A-Friend. Pick someone in the guild (if you need help with this just ask on the forums) to help you. The benefits with Recruit-A-Friend are substantial!! You gain experience VERY fast while leveling with your "big brother" to 80.


If you own the games but haven't played in awhile, please ask for a scroll of resurection which gives you an option to have an instant level 80 of any class or a transfer to our server if you are not currently on it. Both are very awesome choices. Don't want to move your high level character from their current realm? Get an instant level 80 of any class on our server.




Type /who HellsGamers when on our realm: Illidan to see who is currently online and can invite you to the guild at level 10.


------------ OR -------------


Add me to friends, Moothepriest, or private message me on the forums and I'll help you get through any obstacles that you may run into.


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I'm withdrawing my offer, since one of my friends on a different server offered to do it with me.


Welcome to the dark side.


Edit: This was sarcasm. Calm down folks.

Edited by teh_g
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Ok, this thread is to be only relating to the Illidan guild. If you are totally seperate from us that's fine. There's no reason to be telling us the extent of your character log on one server and post a useless reply.

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I Need A Recruit A Friend And Some One To Play With In ORder To level i have experience i played since BC So hopefully poke me to come and play


I thought robot was doing one with you?

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Looking for a guild member who is willing to get a free mount... I have played before on a different server but I decided to take a break at the beginning of summer. I have several 80-85 on different server but that server is in a different timezone so I would like to get into a better one. If anyone could tell me that raid time for your guild that would be great. If it suits my needs I will join you guys. I already have mists, bought it when the pre-purchase deal was going on. Still havent started playing though, with Assassin's Creed 3 and Black Ops 2 out. :)

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Hey, fellas! I've been on WoW since Mid-LK, but I've only been in HellsGamers for a short time, and I want to play WoW with you guys! Alas, I'm not on Illidan. But I'd be elated if some of you could add me on Battle Tag, and we could Raid/PvP.


I have a Level 90 Arms/Prot Warrior that's geared to Tank Flex and Geared to do 2s. (Alliance)


I have a Level 90 Ret Paladin that I've just recently gotten to 90. Not really geared at all, will be soon. (Alliance)


I have a Level 90 Mage that I've been playing on since LK, but I know find the character extremely monotonous. (Horde)


I have a Level 90 MistWeaver Monk that is well geared for Healing Raids as well as PvP (Horde)




If any of you would like to play with me, add me on Battletag; [email protected] Can't wait!


Your pal,


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