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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1246 views


<img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/r5/premiumbenefits.png" />


By becoming a Premium member here at HeLLsGamers, you will receive some pretty cool benefits!



Premium Skins

<img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/je/tsupporter1.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/2o/tsupporter2.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/gn/jbtsupporter.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/0q/ctsupporter.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/eo/ctsupporter2.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/tl/jbadmin.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/6n/jbco.png" height="217" />


Instant Commands


!ak !m4 !awp !smoke !$


Early Access to HGItems


HGItems is a work in progress that will let you be able to wear items in-game. Certain servers will be setup that will let you *find* some items and the items will have a certain type of power/special ability. We are currently letting YOU have exclusive access to the system.


Hats Currently Available

<img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/2f/hats3.png" />


Equipment Currently Available

Tracer Rounds - Laser Sight - Semtex Grenades



So how do you get these features? Either by being in the Top 20 or supporting HeLLsGamers!

If you would like to become a VIP or Admin and receive these new features, you can sign up by following this page - https://www.hellsgamers.com/premium


If you're already premium, you may use the in-game command "!premium" to access these cool features!



Note: Some servers will have different options enabled/disabled. More and more of our servers will be updated as beta testing/bugs get worked out.



Released on:








Pistol DM





AWP Maps


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