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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1230 views

Members have been demoted as of 11/22/2011.


The following [HG] Members have been inactive for 90+ Days and have been demoted.


[HG] 1337Roflcopter

[HG] ace.ml

[HG] bagwell

[HG] Bubbap


[HG] Dan

[HG] Datweezy

[HG] Dizfunky

[HG] Duckarmada

[HG] Ekcul

[HG] Evan9/11

[HG] Frahg Daddy

[HG] Ghostrider


[HG] iNsidious

[HG] JuIcY

[HG] killer_skull

[HG] Lt. Richard

[HG] Mitch

[HG] Neorage

[HG] paintball

[HG] PerryThePlatypus

[HG] Quebec

[HG] Quick Silver

[HG] scottycyanide

[HG] Shotdown007

[HG] Sk3p

[HG] Staisys

[HG] That0Insane0Dude

[HG] TheCakeLord

[HG] tokyofist

[HG] Tuck

[HG] Vodka

[HG] Xinatos

[HG] xXxHeadshotxXx

[HG] YurHedG0Splode




The following -hg- Recruits have been inactive for 60+ days and have been demoted.

-hg- Avalon

-hg- Baddie

-hg- Barrel_Roll

-hg- bklett72

-hg- bklett72

-hg- Bladezzz

-hg- Blake Superior

-hg- blefire925

-hg- blefire925

-hg- boogiem4n

-hg- boxslide14

-hg- Brandon Leyva

-hg- breezy

-hg- Brown_Monster

-hg- Bubbap

-hg- Chewbacca

-hg- cls

-hg- Cmeod

-hg- cobra1200

-hg- CozMic

-hg- CrazyBlazed

-hg- Daedalus

-hg- Daskid

-hg- derfofdeath

-hg- desu

-hg- DevilHell

-hg- Didowe

-hg- Dizfunky

-hg- dksoren1

-hg- dmagik

-hg- DoktorOrange

-hg- Donut2010

-hg- Dr.Dre

-hg- Draco

-hg- drunkenirish

-hg- Duke Wellington

-hg- Ellivlok23

-hg- EnemyTerritory

-hg- Factorum

-hg- ferny

-hg- Flingueur

-hg- FriedChickem

-hg- Fugly

-hg- Fushigi

-hg- glthegamemaster

-hg- Goats

-hg- Goosfrab

-hg- Grizzlygreen

-hg- guest12550

-hg- hyeroller

-hg- I am Panda

-hg- I iz gewd snipor

-hg- IceKatt

-hg- Iceman

-hg- illuded

-hg- InstantNoodles!

-hg- Invert_Panda


-hg- ItsMe

-hg- Itzluigui


-hg- J03 MAMA2145

-hg- J0ker

-hg- Jagster818

-hg- James C Baxter

-hg- jarnoo

-hg- JDogg

-hg- Jester

-hg- Jiirome

-hg- johhnyking777

-hg- John Overkill

-hg- Jokerz r us

-hg- K-Dub

-hg- kdaubuchonzs

-hg- KeraChan

-hg- kirbyfoo

-hg- kleverbanger

-hg- Knifer

-hg- Koko

-hg- KushDreams

-hg- LeafeR

-hg- Lethal

-hg- Lorence

-hg- LunaDotNL

-hg- MajiX

-hg- md.blur

-hg- Metal

-hg- MobsterNL

-hg- moldy

-hg- 45554433

-hg- ïÃÅ’[ninja]

-hg- ^^^pYrO KiNg^^^

-hg- Zozo

-hg- ZJXMaddog

-hg- Zimix

-hg- Zetsurin


-hg- Yoohoo


-hg- Xplicitt

-hg- XIPsquaredIX

-hg- xDigitalWonton

-hg- xDarkRav3nx

-hg- wstentzer

-hg- Wookie X3

-hg- Wolvie

-hg- Wolfgang

-hg- Why so puddi?

-hg- wheezewee


-hg- USArmyBravo


-hg- Typhoon

-hg- Twin Turbo Supra


-hg- troy1794

-hg- Troll753



-hg- Toxsick

-hg- Thurgood A Marshall

-hg- TheHeroicZ

-hg- TheCakeIsALie15

-hg- theAIDS

-hg- The Man

-hg- Thalidon

-hg- TehGunmaker

-hg- tecknil


-hg- superbeast

-hg- steven077

-hg- Stain

-hg- srgnoot

-hg- sqk

-hg- Spuchuu

-hg- Spraybrains

-hg- Soul.Sister

-hg- Soul

-hg- Snowzersaurus

-hg- Slayer

-hg- Simba

-hg- Shono

-hg- sexymexicanseagull

-hg- RyuTarouAkaTarou

-hg- rXtasy7

-hg- Rusty

-hg- Rustin Hieber

-hg- romar

-hg- Rico

-hg- Rhoenix

-hg- rgoetz08

-hg- rdl

-hg- Razer King

-hg- Rated

-hg- randomguy

-hg- Radon

-hg- PsYcHoTiCAsSaSsIn

-hg- Psychopath

-hg- pretzel

-hg- pr1me_suspect

-hg- Pocky

-hg- pimpskinnyo

-hg- Phentous The Unworthy

-hg- Orphanstomper

-hg- openice

-hg- OMGcaboose78

-hg- oldmanjenkins

-hg- number16_123

-hg- Nuclear

-hg- NOW@RM@N

-hg- ninjabreadman

-hg- NightOwl

-hg- newmz94

-hg- Nanorex

-hg- Nailgun

-hg- Nachlas

-hg- mr. happy

-hg- Mr. Bubbles

-hg- MoureT

-hg- MotoJJ



Remember to stay active on the forums and in-game. If you have any problems please feel free to contact Arclyte or Anonymau5


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