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Guest By Guest, in Premium, , 0 comments, 2104 views

<a name="signup"></a>Step by step:


  1. Locate your SteamID: https://hellsgamers.com/FindYourSTEAMID
  2. Enter your SteamID in the Signup box located at the top right of this page and click Signup
  3. You should now see your SteamID filled in and you can Click the Update Card button
  4. Review over your Cart Package to make sure it is correct
  5. Then Click the Checkout button
  6. Proceed to complete your payment
  7. Check your email for notifications


Once your payment has been received your Premium account will be activated instantly!


If you need any help signing up for Premium, ask for help in the Admin Discussion Forum: https://hellsgamers.com/forums/37-Admin-Discussion



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