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All About Hg Items (New Premium)

Bonbon By Bonbon, in Server News, , 0 comments, 5404 views

As many of you have probably noticed, we've been developing a new premium system for about a half a year now, and it's even been tested on our very own gungame server.


Today, we are proud to announce is much anticipated release, with the addition of 33+ new attachements, 60+ trails, and much more!


New Items

  • Custom colored names (Similar to our jailbreak server, but with even more colors!) -- http://hellsgamers.c...-colored-names/
  • Custom join message
  • Ability to choose color of laser sights.
  • Ability to choose color of bullet tracers.
  • 33+ new hats, glasses, masks, and misc. attachements (Yes, that's right, you can prance around like a fairy, with your very own wings, or even make jet pack noises with your very own jetpack)
  • 60+ trails
  • Stealth mode -- Wanna be in disguise, not have people know you're an admin? Just turn this on.
  • New custom made HG skins
  • A nice new in game GUI that uses the MOTD window where you can view the shop, your items, and more.

General System Changes

The new premium isn't just an addition of new items, it's a complete re-write, and it is now more of a "shop".

But don't worry! ALL of the hats, as well as a few of the items, which were available in the old premium are still available for free to all VIP members and admins.

  • Items must now be purchased through "HG Bux"
  • Once you purchase an item, you own that item forever, and accross all servers
  • Note: Some items are not available on all servers (For example, !ak is not available on jailbreak)
  • Certain items are only available to VIP members and admins, while others are available to only admins
  • As long as an item is not designated as VIP+ or admin only, even if you have not purchased VIP or admin 1 month, but you own an item, you may still use it. For example, if you buy advanced knife syphon, because it is not a VIP+ item, you can use it without having VIP or admin!
  • The hats which were included in the old premium are still only available to VIP+, but they are a free purchase.
  • If you purchased an "VIP+/admin only" item while you had admin, and then try to use it when your admin expires, it will not let you until you re-purchase VIP/admin.

Using the In-Game Menu

Using the in game menu is pretty simple, in order to access it simply type !premium in chat, and this menu will pop up.


Once you're there, the layout is designed to be as simple as possible. In order to use items, you must buy them first (by going into the shop). Once you have bought the item, you must enable it (by going to the respective category the item is, and in most cases just clicking on the item will enable it)


Using the In-Game GUI

One of the coolest features of HG Items is its in game GUI. In order to access it, simply type !premium and hit 1 (View HGItems) or type !viewstore

  • Your HG Bux will appear in the top right corner, right below your name.

  • Shop Tab
    • Items in grey are available to anyone to use
    • Items in blue, you must have VIP+ to use or purchase
    • Items in green, you must have admin to use or purchase
    • Putting your cursor over an item will enlarge the image and let you know the restrictions (VIP+/admin)

    [*]Items Tab

    • Items you don't own are greyed out and "locked"
    • Items you own aren't greyed out, and are available for you to view

    [*]Donate Tab

    • Pretty simple, you can buy HG Bux here.

    [*]Help Tab

    • Pretty simple...


All commands can have the ! replaced with a /, or typed in console with a sm_ prefix and no ! (ie, sm_premium in console opens up the premium menu)

Commands available to everyone

  • !premium, !shop, !store - Opens the main premium menu
  • !shop - Shortcut to open the shop menu
  • !items - Shortcut to open the items menu
  • !attachements - Shortcut to open the attachments/hats menu
  • !trails - Shortcut to open the trails menu
  • !give/!givecredits/!givebux <player name/#userid> <amount> - Gives another player <amount> credits
  • !viewstore - HG Items web browser

Commands you can buy

  • !coloredname <name> - Sets your custom colored name (see http://hellsgamers.c...-colored-names/ for instructions)
  • !joinmsg <message> - Sets your custom join message
  • !ak, !awp, !m4, !cash, !$ - Self explanatory

How to get HG Bux

Please visit this thread for more information.


Trails Annoying? Hide them easily

Simply type !trails in chat, and select "Hide all trails" to not see anyone's trails. They will be invisible to you only, for as long as you don't go back into the menu, and re-enable them.


This thread will be updated as people ask questions, or voice their concerns.


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