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Guest By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1422 views



Background On The Dodgeball Mod

  • Both teams will spawn on their respective sides of a symmetrical arena, where they may or may not be able to reach the enemy teams side, which depends on the map. A specific spawn point, usually high up and is in the split center of the arena, spawns Critical rockets that home on one random player, which must be airblasted to the other team or the crocket will explode on contact with the pyro who failed to airblast it. As the rockets are being rallied back and forth, they will speed up at every time being blasted away, until it explodes. In addition to the Critical rockets that are flying around there is also a control point, which upon capture makes it so any new Critical rockets only fly to the team that doesn't have control of the point, until they are air-blasted back or the point changes control.

Important Information

  • Server: HeLLsGamers TF2 Community Events Server
  • IP:
  • Password: Will be given out before the event starts
  • Date: February 4, 2012
  • Time: 5PM PST, 6PM MST, 7PM CST, 8PM EST
  • Participation: Must be in HellsGamers to play and receive prizes
  • Hosts: fRacture and Digtalshot


  • 1st Place: Vintage Foster's Facade
  • 2nd Place: Vintage Backburner
  • 3rd Place: Vintage Flare Gun

Other Important Information

  • Places for prizes will be determined by the amount of points that a player has, where the highest earns 1st Place.
  • Time zone not listed? Click here.

For more information about this event, click here.


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