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Slender Fortress 2016

FaZe By FaZe, in HeLLsGamers News, , 6 comments, 2749 views

Taking place on Saturday May 14th at 7:00 p.m. central. The goal of Slender Fortress 2 is to collect all the collectables to win the round. While collecting collectables, player must avoid monster from horror games, creepy pastas and scp articles. The most notable monster is slenderman, a teleporting tentacle monster that kills players who look at him for too longer. There are sometimes special round where guest monsters take center stage. For example one round can consist of only the angels statues from Doctor who as the antagonist.


Click the Image to RSVP!


Host: HG | FaZe



Date and Time

  • Date: Saturday, May 14
  • Time: 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific / 7 PM Central / 2 AM Central Europe
  • Server: HeLLsGamers TF2 Community Events Server
  • Please be in our Teamspeak 3 server 30 minutes before the event!
  • Server IP and password will be given out in TeamSpeak3 (voice.hellsgamers.com:2012) before the event starts!


  • Unlike the regular game, every class runs at the same speed. The only useable weapons are the melees and they all function identically apart from of few small exceptions.
  • The goal of Slender Fortress 2 is to collect all the collectables to win the round. While collecting collectables, player must avoid monster from horror games, creepy pastas and scp articles. The most notable monster is slenderman, a teleporting tentacle monster that kills players who look at him for too longer. There are sometimes special round where guest monsters take center stage. For example one round can consist of only the angels statues from Doctor who as the antagonist.
  • Slender Fortress 2 has several note-worthy mechanic. Displayed on the hud are 2 bars. One bar slowly descends and indicates the time between player blinks. Players can blink at any time and reset the bar by clicking reload. The other bar indicates the electricity left in the flashlight. Players can toggled flashlights on and off with the secondary fire key. Electricity slowly goes up when the flashlight’s not in use. A stamina and sprint mechanic was also added. To run significantly faster players must hold down their action key. A player’s stamina depletes over prolonged use of sprinting and by jumping.
  • Bind a key to +attack3 to Sprint

Who can play ?

  • Friend of HG
  • -hg- Recruits and above can win prizes.
  • Apply here!





Prizes (determined by top score)

  • First Place - One month Gold Account
  • Second Place - One month VIP Account
  • Third Place - 14,000 rep or 14,000 credits
  • Fourth Place - 14,000 rep or 14,000 credits


  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO ghosting.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful.
  • NO sexual harassment of any player.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
  • NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
  • NO name impersonation of ANYONE.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.


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