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Tf2's Goal And Direction

Dynas By Dynas, in HeLLsGamers News, , 54 comments, 2806 views

TF2 needs to revamp itself if it wants to stay relevant. We need to be more active and part of our goal and direction moving forward into 2013 is to get our community excited again and keep things interesting and alive.

We were discussing where we want this division to go in teamspeak. And to sum up everything and keep our goal simple, we need to start to get our community more active. I realize that the inactivity of late isn't really the community's fault. Times change, we've had several server problems, vip has been broken, and trust has been lost.


But if we want to keep this division and wonderful community alive and strong we need to get our community active again.

How do we increase the activity of our community?

  • More Events
  • Recruiting
  • Revamp VIP
  • VIP Giveaways
  • Server Navigation from server to server. (basically if i'm in trade I can go to a game server)
  • Unusual Hat effects for VIP (per digital)


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I simplified the math for you. Take out a peice of paper and calc it ur self. ITS grade 2 MATH NOT ROCKET SCIENCE JOLT! cmon LOL


Its called im verifying my math and its to prove my RESULTS

Edited by FatCat
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Don't all of these extra plugins slow the server down and add to the stuff people have to download before they can enter? May not wanna go overboard with these, just my two pennies.


Stop being lazy Jeorey or I'll send you a calculator from the dolla sto.




This. We don't need a bunch of useless plugins that take up space.

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Oh and Id like to sugguest a calculator Pluggin!


Hey guys. Theres a plugin we definitely need on tf2 TRADE servers







A relatively advanced calculator, for use in chat or in console. Can parse complex mathematical expressions.


Yes I need it lol.. If im calcing keys i don't feel like waiting for my calc to load on my pc nor exiting tf2 or to go find 1(some people don't even have 1)


Simple you type /calc 5.333*27=143.999=144 Ref



Its a trade server which involves a lot of math we need it :)


It will be very handy


I often see stuff like "Selling 3 keys for 17.33 Ref"


Or Selling keys 5.66 ea ( I want to know if I can afford 7 or howmuch that would be)


Ive sold 60+ hats for a bud several times on our servers and I wanted to know howmuch a bud would be pricing keys at 5 ref and my hats at 1.66 each.


Its a trade server and numbers are expected to pop up and they aren't always pretty.



PS: not everybody OWNS a phone, Not everybody has a calculator neer by. Its a hassle to use the one on your pc. I think we should Have a calculator directly where it is needed without you can do this or that. (Its not about being lazy its about the fastest accessibility. Every second can determine a trades success. All you do is press shift+tab and do your calcs its faster then atl tabbing getting your calculator,unlocking your phone (Thats if you find it)


I am always on our trade servers and I one of the people who trades the most in HG i know what im talking about.


Its A lot more of an asset than a Liability. I see no real Liabilities in this pluggin as its just code and not cosmetic it takes not even space. Theres really only room to please people.

Edited by FatCat
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