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The Time Is Nigh!

moo By moo, in HeLLsGamers News, , 6 comments, 2967 views

Now's the perfect time to play World of Warcraft with HeLLsGamers!

Hello fellow players! Wanted a chance to join in on the fun? Well here it is.


World of Warcraft Battle chest is now ONLY $5!! The Battle chest includes World of Warcraft, WoW: Burning Crusade, and WoW: Wrath of the Lich King.




You will be allowed to reach level 80 until you purchase the next expansion. Don't forget to get a Recruit-a-friend to help you level faster and with the guild. If you don't have enough money to purchase WoW: Mists of Pandaria yet, don't be alarmed. You can still make a Panda race, just not a monk and you can't main quest on Pandaria.


WoW: Cataclysm is also on sale for ONLY $10.00!! When you purchase WoW: Cataclysm, you can now level to 85 and be that much closer to raiding with the guild!


Lastly, WoW: Mists of Pandaria is on sale for ONLY $30.00!!! Ask for Christmas, bribe a friend, do whatever you can to finish your collection and begin raiding with our guild through beautiful Pandaria.

Pandaria has much to offer. You start off fighting your way through many different mobs in order to take first claim to this new found land! After getting through the fast paced beginning quests and getting farther into Pandaria, you may notice one thing: the stunning graphics. Pandaria is the most appealing to the eye with bright colors and different Asian inspired styles new to the World of Warcraft community.





Raid bosses are in a different style setting with some new mechanics as well. New enemies and allies challenge the way you think about WoW or atleast used too.

Get in on the action and join our guild!


Just type /who HellsGamers




whisper me/add me on friends: Moothepriest


Hope to see you soon!




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Recommended Comments

I play on EU servers just wondering if it would lag alot because ill join you I have a 89 windwalker/brewmaster monk

1) yes it will lag more not alot like can't be played

2) you cannot move characters from DU servers to US, it's 2 different games

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