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Zezima By Zezima, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 3223 views

Hey there HG, so coming up on October 21st marks the 3rd anniversary of me joining HG and being accepted as a recruit. I thought to myself, what better way to celebrate than to give back a little and do a giveaway!


And the perfect game for such an occasion is the popular sandbox game Minecraft (as well as a few other goodies). As some may or may not know, HG is going to be coming out with a Minecraft server in the near future and I personally want to see everyone populating it.


The way this Giveaway will work is that any member –hg- through [C] can post here and your post number will be counted towards the numbers I will randomly draw to win. Once October 21stcomes around I will plug as many posts as I get into a random number generator located here:



The rules of this giveaway are very simple and are as follows:

- Must be –hg- through [C]

- May only post once

- I will be giving away 2 copies of the game for PC. AND steam product codes for....

Dead Space

Burnout Paradise: The ultimate box

Medal of Honor

Mirrors Edge

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3


- After the winners are chosen I will purchase gift codes from www.minecraft.net and then send them to the winners securely through private messaging on www.hellsgamers.com

- I will videotape myself rolling for the numbers.



Post away here.



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