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Mobile World Conference: First Day




The Mobile World Conference has kicked off, which means there are a lot of new and exciting technologies being announced and shown off. There are sure to be many exciting things announced in the coming days, but today there have already been some great mobile devices seen. Here is a quick rundown of the most important releases today, thanks to Computer World.


Overall, it seems like the three introduced phones are going to be aimed at very different markets. Though they will probably all see some success, it is too early to know for sure. A lot of the features haven’t been released on the phones yet, and only the Samsung Galaxy has a release date yet. Hopefully, we can get more details soon on the specs of the phones in order to figure out which ones are going to be the best purchase for consumers.


LG G5: Replaceable battery


Most phone manufacturers have switched over to batters that are incased in the phone, so you can’t switch it out and are forced to use portable battery chargers if you want to extend the longevity of your phone life. A lot of people have been upset with this as the option for replaceable battery phones has started to dwindle. Fortunately, the LG G5 battery can be replaced by slipping off the bottom part of the phone and popping it out. The bad news is the phone won’t be waterproof, which might kill the deal for a lot of mobile users.


Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge: Slight changes


Though the Galaxy phones are definitely new and improved from last year’s models, they are still showing improvements that fans are happy with. The screen sizes increase slightly to 5.1 inch diagonal with the S7 and 5.7 inch diagonal with the Edge, and the Edge will have more screen space with the rounding edge like last year’s model. The camera is improved, and overall, the phone is sleeker than before. The Micro SD tray has been added back this year, which people are very happy about, and it is again waterproof, which is another huge bonus for Galaxy fans.


HP Elite x3: All about IT


As a Windows phone the, HP Elite x3 is designed to have the ability to plug into a monitor and keyboard and run just like a full-blown computer. It has a windows operating system and a lot of potential for personalization used in businesses. This is especially helpful for businesspeople who are going to be on the run a lot and don’t want to lug around a computer when they want to hop on and do some work. The phone is also going to be waterproof and claims to be able to withstand drops up to four feet, which makes it fairly durable to hand out to employees if your business wants to run with it.



Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com


Sources: computerworld.com/article/3036120/mobile-wireless/first-look-the-lg-g5-samsung-galaxy-7-and-hp-elite-x3-premiere-at-the-mobile-world-congress.html



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