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Blog 12369

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Gangnam Style

So, I was in a music class today and we got to do these warm up things, and today we did gangnam style-- the whole thing lol




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important anouncement. I...

I will eat you.     This is all.   This message was sponsored by your mother, whom of which I have consumed for nourishment.



I think I just saw a vandal

So the other day I was riding my bike 'round the block. I saw some douchebag in some weird, old creepy ford explorer and he went around the street next to mine, stealing mail and replacing it with something. It wasn't a mail truck. He went around to like 20-25 houses stealing mail. Then I remembered how there was vandalism occurring throughout my neighborhood.     I think I saw the vandal.   Oh shit I should report this...



A Day in Canada

We had the best customs officers ever. One, one the way in, was this old Canadian man who had a few interesting things to say: First off, he knows the guy who delivered president Obama, two, he's been where I live, three, he didn't notice the bomb in the cooler. Loljkjk On the way back, the customs officers mom shopped at my grandpas store. Yes, his mom. He also didn't notice the cooler bomb.   I AM OVERALL DISSAPPOINTED IN CANADA, THEY'RE NOT ALL FRIENDLY

