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Wearable Technology Field Growing

Smartphones were just the beginning of a huge industry of smart products and wearable technology. We may not have known it when they first came out, but they have become the center hub for everything in our lives. With such powerful technology at our fingertips, it just makes sense that we would start creating more products to tap into that technology and make things a little easier for us.   All started with smartwatches   The first of wearable technology to come out was the smartwatch. Int



Mobile World Conference: First Day

The Mobile World Conference has kicked off, which means there are a lot of new and exciting technologies being announced and shown off. There are sure to be many exciting things announced in the coming days, but today there have already been some great mobile devices seen. Here is a quick rundown of the most important releases today, thanks to Computer World.   Overall, it seems like the three introduced phones are going to be aimed at very different markets. Though they will probably all see

