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Bbcode Guide

I haven't seen a guide on the forums about BBCode so I decided to make one.   To access a list of options for BBCode, click the button that looks like this:   Acronyms - Allow you to put an acronym and add a description to it. Example: lol this feature is cool   Admin - Allows you to post content in a post that is only viewable by admins. Example:   This content is only available to admins Code: [admin] (Content here) [/admin]   Background Color - Changes the background co



On Scam Sites And Protecting Your Items

This will be a non-comprehensive list of scam websites that will steal your items Reply with other scam sites and I will add them to the list. SteamRewards ScamAdviser Results Rating as of 7/13/17: 54% (Take Care) Website: steamreward.com Domain age: 1 day (As of 7/13/17) Owner: Albertas Moncys Owner country: Lithuania Website Location: USA [*]Details: Offers the user free Steam gift cards for referring others to use the site.



Battle For The Net

Source - https://www.battleforthenet.com   "Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can charge extra fees to control what we see & do online. On July 12, we take the first step to stop them. This is a battle for the Internet's future."   Ending net neutrality can cause many issues for everybody who uses the internet. Just a few of them are: No privacy for internet users - This means that companies such as Comcast will be able to see everything you do. And yes, e



Day 2 Of Mic Drop Challenge

The reason I didn't post yesterday was that I didn't have time. So here's a late post.   Yesterday was the second day of the challenge. I'm still going strong. I pressed my mic key a few times and talked, but the key was unbound so I didn't do it on voice chat.



Mic Drop Challenge

Today (May 20th, 2017) I was denied from becoming a member of HG. Most people who -1'd my application said that I talk too much. Because of this, I decided to do a challenge. This challenge is to go 30 days without using my microphone on any HG servers. Today is day 1. Wish me luck! I will keep this updated when I remember to.

