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Coverage of the Boston 2018 Major

Entries in this blog

Faze Clan Win 1:0 Vs Liquid

The third match of the Major has just finished.   With four confusing win streaks of five or six rounds by either team abruptly ending with another by the opposite, FaZe Clan came out on top winning both halves 8-7 and taking their first win from Liquid 16-14.   FaZe Liquid 8 8 16 Final 14 7 7 CT T T CT



Mousesports Wins 1:0 Vs Avangar

The second match of the Boston Major's prelims has come to a close with a swift victory by Mousesports.   AVANGAR did better than MouzSports in the second half of the match, but by then, the damage was already done.   mouz AVANGAR 9 7 16 Final 12 4 8 CT T T CT



Vega Squadron Wins 1:0 Vs Renegades

The first match of the Boston Major has come to a close with Vega Squadron prevailing against Renegades in an intense, butt-clenching victory.   Despite the best efforts of Renegades in their near-comeback of five rounds, Vega sealed the deal with a final score of 16-14.   Vega RNG 10 6 16 Final 14 5 9 CT T T CT

