Well, I just started playing Soul Blazer again from the beginning since my save file didn't make it through the fresh reinstall of Wndows earlier this year and I will be chronicling my progress through the game via this blog.
Current Progress:
I am almost done with the Underground Castle and have freed at least 8 people or objects in the first town area. The HP bar and music for when you are in towns and when visiting the Master to save is the same as it is in Actraiser and Actra
I have been playing a new game lately that has great sentimental value for me as it is a remake of a beat-em-up series that I grew up playing on my Sega Genesis. This game is all I could ever ask for in a remake, it consolidated all 3 games in the series into 3 routes you could take and an original route with levels from the original trilogy pieced together. Not to mention a shop where you can buy additional characters, cheats, and extras such as character profiles, art, stage select, volleyball