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Blog 2628

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Well i was eating my breakfast and watching a movie (you can say its pirated idc) and i happened to push over my glass of juice and it spilled all over my G15. Spent 30 minutes cleaning it and i even overturned it so all the juice would run out but alas, i was to late. It was working like normal when i was at my desktop, when i went into CS:S it was totally different. All the keys stopped working and i had to unplug my whole computer -.-. Now all i have is an HP default keyboard lmao. Then i called Logitech to be put on hold for 25 minutes only to be told "Sorry sir, the warranty doesn't cover spills."


But the movie i watched was Law Abiding Citizen, It was great!


(I think john had the same problem with his G15 if im correct)




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