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Losing a pet.

Kurosaki Ichigo



Many of us know what it feels like to lose a pet after having it for so long. I thought it would be nice to share my experience with the HG community. My household has at least 15 pets and out of those 15, 1 was very special to me. My bunny rabbit named Harry. Yes, I know the name sounds funny but it is what it is. Anyways, 4 years ago at a shopping mall, My family and I stopped by the pet store because we enjoyed looking at the different animals the store had to offer. One animal caught my attention and of course that was the bunny rabbit. Yes, I know what your thinking "Only chicks like little animals, not guys", but that is not entirely true. So when I got the bunny rabbit, I named it Harry from, yes, of course, Harry Potter... I was young back then so what would you expect... Anyways, to make this short and sweet, for 4 years, neither I, nor my family realized that the bunny I bought 4 years ago, had a enlarged heart. Maybe that would explain why he wasnt eating like he normally did. This happened for several weeks to where he didn't move at all. We took him to an Emergency Animal Hospital where they said that the cause of him not eating was because of the simple fact that his stomach would not digest the food. So he stayed over night and all went well. Then, several hours after he came home from the EAH, he started to act weird and I was getting worried. Everytime we fed him his medicine, his head would just plop down like he was unconscious. So, we immediately took him to a special animal hospital where they treat animals like rabbits, birds, snakes, etc. On the way there he seemed to be fine, then all of sudden he jumped around his pet carrier several times and then stopped and laid down. I thought he was just tired and wasn't feeling good. So we get there and when one of the nurses sees that my bunny is not moving, she rushes him to the back to do god knows only what. Then, thats when the nurse finally came out and said these words "I'm sorry, but your bunny did not make it". At that moment my whole body just froze up and, as any other pet owner would do, I cried and cried till I got a massive headace. I rejected their request to have me have the ashes of the bunny. Basically, this whole blog is about my experience with an animal that was mine, no one elses. He wasnt a family pet, he was my pet, and I know that this new bunny I got, will surely never take the place of my Harry, my friend that was there for me when I heard the news of my aunts death. I know hes up there in what people like to call "Animal Heaven" waiting for me like he always did when I was getting his food and he was being impatient. R.I.P Harry 2007-2011.



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