Recently, my email ws hacked. The hackers was no computer it was a real person who I guess had a problem with me. He/she went through my passwords and changed them. Minecraft, steam, gmail, skype, and youtube. I was pretty shocked and pissed that Kaspersky didn't do what it was supposed to do. He changed the security question on my gmail and the recovery email address. Therefore I had no way to change the password back on anything else. I sent gmail a recovery test, but it took quite a while for them to respond. Gmail said it would be in less than 24 hours, luckily, it took 4 days long. -______- Anyway, I was pretty relieved when google sent me back the password. But, there were more depressing events ahead. First I jump straight into tf2 and when the match starts i wonder why my pyro is not using the backburner. I check my inventory, only to see every item i had except a reclaimed and the killers kabuto had been removed. I was absoutely devastated by this. 24 hats. 315 hours of playtime and commitment. My goal of getting every pyro hat. ( I had the chefs hat, your moms toilet plunger, sombrero, rubber glove, fireman's hat, beanie, dead cone, birdcage, nappers, little buddy, 2 fosters and firemans helm.) I was also attempting to collect every weapon, and that went right down the drain with the rest of them. This was a major setback and even though tf2s just a game, I put alot of time into getting these and it was thrown away like that.I figured it was just best to move on and to not virtual setbacks like this get to me. After about a 2 hours of play i find a hat. The ol' geezer. Even though its not the most prefered, I took it, thankfully. There was also another bright light to this dreary setback. During those 4 days, I was introduced to a new trading card game called magic the gathering. This intrigued me so much i had to go to target and get a deck. Now every friday night i head to the junior college campus and have a good time dueling with other nerds in the magic community. I guess what I'm trying to say, is dont let setbacks keep you down, itll get better. You just have to keep your head up and keep going.:cool: Eventually the shining light will come through.
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