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Perp Development Fund

  • 02/06/16
  • 0 Donations

0.00 USD of 1000.00 USD


  1. 1000.00 USD
    Thanks for keeping it fun!
  2. 15.00
    I had more money than I though :D
  3. 5.00 USD
    swiggity swoogity
  4. 40.00
    Let's get PERP going!
  5. 10.00
  6. 30.00 USD
    Thank you HG :) ,)
  7. --
  8. --
    Here ya go!
  9. 30.00
    Just Cause!
  10. 20.00
    ........Shamma Lammmba DING DONG!
  • Donation Stats

    Total Donors
    10.00 USD
    Total Donations
    350.00 USD
    Total Goals
    10.00 USD of 350.00 USD
    Donald Duck knifed you
    Latest Donation
    Donald Duck knifed you
    02/18/25 · 10.00 USD