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Jailbreak - Team Switch / Kick / Ban abuse


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1. Abuser name: "Sock"

2. Their Steam Id: wasn't in any of my recent Console logs...

3. What sever: Jailbreak 24/7

4. About what time: ~1am EST













6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.



Playing jailbreak all day no problems... I'm not new to jailbreak whatsoever (I know the rules and I know abuse when I see it).


I am usually the first person out of armory with my M4 and deagle running towards VIP with gun drawn checking all cells for disobedient inmates. Got to VIP, making sure everything goes smoothly moving inmates from VIP to obstacle. After the inmates started moving I ran back towards obstacle and attempted to get on top of 2nd soda machine. Not paying attention, I fell off 2nd soda machine and started making my way back to the pallets to try again. Off the corner of the screen I see a donator skinned inmate veering my way. I turn around and start walking backwards in the same direction I was heading, and the inmate sure enough continues in my direction. At this point I have walked all the way back up to pallets and I'm trying to jump backwards onto them so I don't take my eyes off the inmate. He keeps getting closer and closer so I try one more time to back away before he starts knifing the air and is now within 2 steps of me. At this point I said forget it and capped him in the dome because he was already on a hard detour from his original path to the obstacle course and I had grounds to kill him on THAT let alone the fact that he was within 0.5 seconds of stabbing me in the face.



(Sorry that paragraph is long, you just have to understand the whole situation leading up to the images to fully understand my side of this whole story)



When that happened, I reloaded my gun and started rounding off towards infirmary as I could of sworn I had been stabbed... but on the way there I realized I hadn't, so I stopped behind fountain and watched as the rest of the _OBEDIENT_ inmates continued in the straight line towards obstacle. At that exact moment, I was slayed, and the images alone can take over from that point.





I am almost certain he is going to come on here and try to claim that I was baiting him, which is why I've introduced "Key Points" in my evidence of abuse. These are small yet significant discrepancies in his story that will not hold water when given the evidence.





Key Point #1:


He claims I was baiting him... yet I was backed against a wall. In Key Point #1, he acknowledges that I was pinned against a wall, yet ignores the fact because he was claiming I was "baiting" him.


Key Point #2:


He claims he did not corner me... yet admits I was against a wall. Knowing I was against a wall, would it be safe to assume I had gone as far out of my way as possible to avoid coming across as bait? I believe so.


Key Point #3:


This one really just takes the cake. He blatantly ADMITS that he was TRYING to get someone to bait him... So knowing that he was trying to do this, and what came as a result of him trying to do this... is it not safe to say he was LOOKING for a reason to get someone banned?

Edited by Artillery
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a demo would've been nice..... i can tell you put a lot of work into this but its rather hard to take this as a true abuse thread with just screenshots of solely your conversations and the whole "he said he slayed" attitude that i'm getting from this thread.

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I 100% admitted to killing him... and in the conversation he 100% admits that he went out of his way to attempt to kill me. So why was I banned from the server, swapped from the team, slayed, and publicly abused WITHOUT WARNING and without CAUSE?


What I'm debating as abuse is this whole situation. An admin of game servers should conduct themselves in a certain manner, and he did NOT uphold that matter. I've read the admin rules and the users rights policy. If anything, it should of been regarded as an accidental FreeKill and a warning handed out. Instead, I was verbally harassed and made to look like _I_ was the one that had the issue... when all I was trying to do was explain what happened from my side.


I can understand where he is coming from as maybe he looked over just as I had fallen from soda machine #2... but despite any facts whatsoever that you aren't believing, he STILL would of had to walk from cell entrance about 20-30 feet to the left to get where I was.


I had been playing CT for almost 3 hours without flaw, and then he comes on and EVEN ADMITS IN "KEY POINT #3" that he was LOOKING for a reason to cause problems. Wether it be trying to incourage baiting, or intentionally starting situations that may escalate into a situation where a ban is handed out... This person is 100% in the wrong.



If I had known that I would of been BANNED from all of HG's servers for taking action against someone that clearly can't handle having power in their hands... I would of taken a DEMO. Infact, since being at HG for a little under a week this is my 3rd ban.


1st was by "faithless" because I asked an admin to slay someone because they FK'd my RL buddy (it was Faithless's friend)... I was gagged by "faithless" because "STFU he wouldn't FK"... I had NO CLUE what this meant and I was trying to continue to ask an admin to slay the person for the blatant FK and none of my messages were showing up in chat. I reloaded CS because I figured it was a bug, came back in and asked what happened. At that point "Faithless" banned me with the reason "avoiding punishment". That is when I realized that !gag meant !mute, and I had inadvertently evaded the mute by reloading CS. I was going to report abuse on that because being gagged for reporting an FK then being banned for 2 hours for thinking CS was messing up, is a BIT harsh of a reaction.


^ Didn't report it... let it slide.


2nd time I was banned was by "Slazenger" because I took lead for a bit to practice my wording... I instructed the prisoners to the top of solitary and then said that they had until 3:00 to attempt a jump to 2nd tier of fountain. If they did not make the jump, they would be shot. If they did not ATTEMPT the jump, they would be shot. And if they made it on top of the fountain, they would be rewarded with solitary and custom LR priviledges until round end. After a few people started jumping, 2 people actually got it first try... then a bunch of people missed and me and the rest of the CT's were lighting up the people that missed. Thats when "Slazenger" stepped in and slayed me and was _FREAKING_ on voice comm saying that what I did wasn't allowed as it wasn't fair to certain players and that if it meant that any less then 2 people survived it was illegal and a bannable offense. At the start of next round I apologized and said I didn't realize it was against the rules and said I had it done to me when I first came to the server and know how hard it is, so my first time trying warden I wanted to see if anyone could actually do it. Thats when he banned me for 2 hours claiming I was an abusive CT and was trying to get freekills.


I also ignored this, because I enjoy HG and hope to someday be a member of the clan.


Friends of mine IRL are members of this clan. I don't want to bring their names up because I don't want him having to suffer a reputation hit because I seem to draw the shit end of the stick when it comes to getting along well with the admins, but the only thing I am trying to say here is:





Sock was wrong. Sock abused. Sock needs punishment. I don't care how you look at it and how hard you try to protect him by claiming "its not enough evidence"... bro, i couldn't have any MORE evidence that it went down as I said it did... I can't turn back time and start recording a demo right before I get abused...



Even if his admin isn't removed... atleast it is now known that he abuses his power and **PROOF** that he goes out of his way to cause situations that might lead to him having to use his powers... He is not capable, in my humble opinion, of being given the power to remove people from the server as he see's fit. He couldn't admit fault in this situation and instead of putting his reputation on the line by making a bad call... he banned me to keep my mouth shut about it.





Thats about all. I've probably forgotten something but whatever, I'm just pretty pissed I'm banned because one of your admins that has an itchy trigger finger can't handle the fact he was wrong.

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I hate to go against you Weeman, but from what I gathered after reading his posts and looking at his screenshots twice, Sock was in the wrong.



  1. He should not have been carrying on an argument for several minutes using admin chat. They were both dead but he felt the need to use admin chat to show authority.
  2. Another person who was on at the time told me that sock was coming at him while another T came in from a different angle in what is almost a pincer move.
  3. Why the hell was he trying to get people to bait him? That is going directly against the MOTD.

CTs may not bait (do things that force the T's to rebel or get them killed). Likewise, T's may not act in a manner so as to make it look like a CT is baiting.


It seems as though you misunderstand the reason why you were banned by me. You were banned for a single, blatant freekill after you had been warned about it earlier (when you caused a scene and were argumentative).



1/26/2010 - 12:36:27: "].NoDS.[-PR4Y.exe<283><STEAM_0:1:3547899><CT>" killed "|A^T| Jumpstyle ^.- [?]<280><STEAM_0:0:12356426><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1"

1/26/2010 - 12:36:31: "Anomo<294><STEAM_0:0:20216084><TERRORIST>" say "so close to lr :("

1/26/2010 - 12:36:32: "pwned by a penguin<140><STEAM_0:0:12424374><CT>" say "FREEKILL NODS"

1/26/2010 - 12:36:34: "Anomo<294><STEAM_0:0:20216084><TERRORIST>" say "i didnt see :P"

1/26/2010 - 12:36:34: "[HG] Slazenger, der Anfänger<240><STEAM_0:0:18076477><CT>" say "!ban pr4y 120 fk"

1/26/2010 - 12:36:34: "].NoDS.[-PR4Y.exe<283><STEAM_0:1:3547899><CT>" disconnected (reason "You have been banned by this server, check HeLLsGamers.com for more info")

1/26/2010 - 12:36:35: "pwned by a penguin<140><STEAM_0:0:12424374><CT>" say "SLAY YOUR SELF"

1/26/2010 - 12:36:35: "d4ng3r<129><STEAM_0:0:14039485><TERRORIST>" say "obvious freekill"

1/26/2010 - 12:36:35: "[HG] Cr ( + ) sshair<301><STEAM_0:0:28348184><CT>" say "!skay pr4y"


Regardless, it would appear as though Sock is in the wrong here.

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1st was by "faithless" because I asked an admin to slay someone because they FK'd my RL buddy (it was Faithless's friend)... I was gagged by "faithless" because "STFU he wouldn't FK"... I had NO CLUE what this meant and I was trying to continue to ask an admin to slay the person for the blatant FK and none of my messages were showing up in chat. I reloaded CS because I figured it was a bug, came back in and asked what happened. At that point "Faithless" banned me with the reason "avoiding punishment". That is when I realized that !gag meant !mute, and I had inadvertently evaded the mute by reloading CS. I was going to report abuse on that because being gagged for reporting an FK then being banned for 2 hours for thinking CS was messing up, is a BIT harsh of a reaction.


-You spammed about 8 times that the guy was freekilling, and what I said was "we have to see it to do something about it, stop spamming" not "stfu he wouldn't freekill"


Edit: If he wants to be respectful, he can atleast not lie about situations.

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-You spammed about 8 times that the guy was freekilling, and what I said was "we have to see it to do something about it, stop spamming" not "stfu he wouldn't freekill"


Edit: If he wants to be respectful, he can atleast not lie about situations.



Ok, YES - I did exaggerate about your response to me asking for something to be done about the FreeKills... but NO - I did NOT exaggerate about your actions. Regardless of your response to my request for action to be taken against the FreeKiller, I was gagged and then banned for 2 hours for something I didn't even understand, without any form of warning. Claiming that I was spamming is using incorrect terms in this context. Yes, I said (with reasonable intervals) that someone had blatantly FreeKilled me... However, I wasn't "spamming" in the sense that I was flooding the chat. I sent those 8 messages over the course of the entire next round.


I'm not sitting here trying to rat out everyone who has ever banned me either, I was merely mentioning a few facts to enforce my argument that since playing here for a matter of like 2-3 days, I've already been banned 3 times unfairly. I wasn't trying to call you out on anything, as like I said in my post, I ignored the situation. It was a short temp ban and its not like I couldn't use a break from the game anyways...


When I came back from my 2 hour ban I noticed you were still playing. I sent an admin message asking why I had been banned for 2 hours for "avoiding punishment" (which at the time I still didn't fully understand WHY I had been banned), and the only response I got was "Drop it or it'll be another ban"... at which point I did just drop it, because I got the clear sense that questioning any sort of action (even if just out of curiosity), would result in being banned AGAIN.


My point was that I wasn't warned before I was "gagged", and ALL I was trying to do was inform someone that the person had be FreeKilling. I didn't continue typing that he was FreeKilling at all after I got some sort of response from an admin.





Anyways - This post isn't about you Faithless. Sorry I brought you into it, but the situation did add fuel to the fire in a sense that within my first 2 days playing on HeLLsGamers community servers, I'd been banned 3 times for what seemed (from my perspective) completely unjust.










The whole reason I even bothered going to this amount of detail and depth in my abuse report was the fact that the 3rd ban (the one from "Sock"), didn't appear on the HG Banlist. My previous 2 bans showed up immediately giving reasons and explaining the length of the ban. The ban I received from "Sock" NEVER showed up on the Banlist, so I thought I was permanently expunged from the servers for something completely ridiculous. As of now, I am unbanned from the servers. I got on this morning perfectly fine and was playing for a few hours before I headed to work... but what bothers me is that it STILL doesn't show up in the Banlist.


My other bans are still there but marked as "Expired"... while this ban never did, never has, and as far as I know, never will show up. I'm not sure how that was done but it leads me to believe that this ban was done in a way so to hide that it was ever made?





I don't know. As long as I can play here, I'll give respect to all those who show me decent respect in return. I never go out of my way to make trouble for people that haven't done the same for me... so lets hope everything ends up all good with everyone happy.


I don't want "Sock"'s powers removed... While I wholeheartedly believe they aren't mature enough to be an admin on gaming servers, that isn't my call. It is my opinion, but it isn't my call... so I'll leave this all at that.

Edited by PR4Y.exe
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I hate to go against you Weeman, but from what I gathered after reading his posts and looking at his screenshots twice, Sock was in the wrong.


i completely missed that screenshot, i looked at the first one twice instead lol. can someone tell sock to come post his side of the story, and if this is the case a formal apology? if not his admin will be suspended until further notice.


(he has till 9:00 PM EST to do so cause thats when i get back from work)

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Here is what he left out. Added: If you can't read the picture he says "lol smfg, fag." This is to an admin.




Now that that is taken care of. Here is what really happened.


I was crouching from VIP, to obstacle course. Sometime people are watching first cell and don't pay attention. I went to get those people while following the lead ct. I was approaching pr4y as he was touching sauna. I did not get up and run, i just contiuned crouching and air knifing. As I got closer to him he did not move. I turned while keeping my straight path and he shot me in the head. I did not hit hit him even.


Now to address his points.

1. A wall is indeed not a corner.

2. It is indeed up to him to move.

3. I did try to get him to bait me, ie walk in my path while i am dry knifing.


But to even get more what really happened I have the demo that I can find and post if necessary.


I'm going to go ahead and find it.

Edited by Sock
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I originally found this thread when I started playing. Now that I am done, here is another response.

I 100% admitted to killing him... and in the conversation he 100% admits that he went out of his way to attempt to kill me. So why was I banned from the server, swapped from the team, slayed, and publicly abused WITHOUT WARNING and without CAUSE?

Nope, I went on my way to kill you without being a rebel. As I said, I wanted you to bait me. I can do that. It is no different than if I am knifing while walking to big cage and catch you in the back. I banned you because you told an admin to "lol suck my fucking dick, fag".

What I'm debating as abuse is this whole situation. An admin of game servers should conduct themselves in a certain manner, and he did NOT uphold that matter. I've read the admin rules and the users rights policy. If anything, it should of been regarded as an accidental FreeKill and a warning handed out. Instead, I was verbally harassed and made to look like _I_ was the one that had the issue... when all I was trying to do was explain what happened from my side.

I took it as you not knowing the rules, so I switched you.


I can understand where he is coming from as maybe he looked over just as I had fallen from soda machine #2... but despite any facts whatsoever that you aren't believing, he STILL would of had to walk from cell entrance about 20-30 feet to the left to get where I was.


Blatant lie to device the staff of this site. In the demo no one is on Soda. You also never said you killed me because I detoured or delayed. I was still going to obstacle. If there are turns involved no one takes the shortest path. No other ct had a problem with were i was.


I had been playing CT for almost 3 hours without flaw, and then he comes on and EVEN ADMITS IN "KEY POINT #3" that he was LOOKING for a reason to cause problems. Wether it be trying to incourage baiting, or intentionally starting situations that may escalate into a situation where a ban is handed out... This person is 100% in the wrong.
As already stated I didn't do anything wrong. I am a skillful player and everyone in the server knows that. Ask them. Also I see that someone else banned him for freekilling. SO I find it hard to believe he never has flaws.



If I had known that I would of been BANNED from all of HG's servers for taking action against someone that clearly can't handle having power in their hands... I would of taken a DEMO. Infact, since being at HG for a little under a week this is my 3rd ban.

Demo has been posted.

...blah blah blah....





Sock was wrong. Sock abused. Sock needs punishment. I don't care how you look at it and how hard you try to protect him by claiming "its not enough evidence"... bro, i couldn't have any MORE evidence that it went down as I said it did... I can't turn back time and start recording a demo right before I get abused...

You are lying about what happened, you need to be punished. I originally bought admin back in the summer and then canceled it when I stopped playing cs. I bought it again when I started playing again. I admin because I for the ability to help. Everyone knows Jailbreak needs admins all the time. I am not perfect but I know I was not in the wrong here.


Even if his admin isn't removed... atleast it is now known that he abuses his power and **PROOF** that he goes out of his way to cause situations that might lead to him having to use his powers... He is not capable, in my humble opinion, of being given the power to remove people from the server as he see's fit. He couldn't admit fault in this situation and instead of putting his reputation on the line by making a bad call... he banned me to keep my mouth shut about it.


See my other posts and demo. You didn't prove anything.



Thats about all. I've probably forgotten something but whatever, I'm just pretty pissed I'm banned because one of your admins that has an itchy trigger finger can't handle the fact he was wrong.

You forgot the part where you insulted an admin and then lied and hoped I didn't have a demo.

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Sock, you didn't address what I brought up.


You were in the wrong for several reasons.



  • You carried on in admin chat. It says to not do so in the MOTD.
  • It is illegal to try to force someone to bait you.
  • You were detouring and he had every right to kill you.
  • You weren't reasonable when Pr4y brought the subject up, instead you repeated the same stuff over and got argumentative. His insult isn't that important when you instigate it.


Honestly, I don't really know either of you well...but this has blown out of proportion. From what I can see, Sock was in the wrong from the beginning, made a freeslay, and then covered up for it.


If you want to be finicky, smfd could equal:


dn.gifSacramento Metropolitan Fire District

dn.gifSan Marcos Fire Department

dn.gifSan Marino Fire Department

dn.gifSan Mateo Fire Department

dn.gifSanta Monica Fire Department

dn.gifScales Mound Fire Department

dn.gifSecondary Multi-Function Display

dn.gifSouth Milwaukee Fire Department


dn.gifSt. Matthews Fire Department

dn.gifSt. Michaels Fire Department

dn.gifStewart Manor Fire Department

dn.gifSystems Management Framework Design








Things are only offensive if we make them so. This all could've been solved by an apology by Sock or by Sock not trying to cause trouble. This is exactly the kind of crap that caused me to make my post about jailbreak admins. I'd say Sock hasn't read the post.

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Sock, you didn't address what I brought up.


You were in the wrong for several reasons.



[*]You carried on in admin chat. It says to not do so in the MOTD.

I did it so he knows he is arguing with an admin. But yes I know you aren't supposed to.

[*]It is illegal to try to force someone to bait you.

No it is not. I lined up well in advance. There is no difference between what I did and someone walking a straight line to big cage and finding a ct on the way.

[*]You were detouring and he had every right to kill you.

Not everyone walks the shortest path. In the demo you can see I was still faster that the guy jumping.

[*]You weren't reasonable when Pr4y brought the subject up, instead you repeated the same stuff over and got argumentative. His insult isn't that important when you instigate it.

If you actually read, the insult was against a different admin, not me. How did I instigate that?

Honestly, I don't really know either of you well...but this has blown out of proportion. From what I can see, Sock was in the wrong from the beginning, made a freeslay, and then covered up for it.


Explain how trying to draw a bait is illegal? By that definition bait doesn't exist because the T can, 99 percent of the time, go around the ct. Watch the demo. I didn't even lung at him, only turned while keeping my path. He lied about being stuck. He lied about jumping off soda. He had plenty of time to move, the other cts did. If what I did was delaying then everyone that goes to the s4s side of the stairs is also delaying because they should go cell side.

If you want to be finicky, smfd could equal:



"lol San Marino Fire Department, fag"?????

Did the fag part mean he was calling the admin a cigarette?

Things are only offensive if we make them so. This all could've been solved by an apology by Sock or by Sock not trying to cause trouble. This is exactly the kind of crap that caused me to make my post about jailbreak admins. I'd say Sock hasn't read the post.


I probably didn't read as it was posted 2 days ago but I was still not in the wrong. I set out to play jailbreak as a T like I do 99 percent of the time. There are many paths to one location. There is no difference between what I did and someone knifing a ct in between big cage and deagle cage on the way to the top of big cage.

Edited by Sock
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Honestly Sock, we could go back and forth about this for a long time. Nothing will come of this for either side. Both of you acted like idiots and this issue should never have come up. You both were disrespectful. After the slay though, you can't deny the fact that you started trouble up without any provoking from pr4y.


Let's end this here, but this is all on record.

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