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Unban Request


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Im not doin that template cuz it wont open



I was banned cuz i was screwing around with some hacks. yea i know it was wrong but it was a one night thing just for laughs. It didnt hurt anyone and i wasnt getting any kills so there wasnt a big problem. i already uninstalled them cuz they were laggin my computer. if u could unban me it would be nice.




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Im not doin that template cuz it wont open



I was banned cuz i was screwing around with some hacks. yea i know it was wrong but it was a one night thing just for laughs. It didnt hurt anyone and i wasnt getting any kills so there wasnt a big problem. i already uninstalled them cuz they were laggin my computer. if u could unban me it would be nice.





They were only uninstalled because they lag your comp. You are kind of ignorant.

You will not be unbanned.

There are thousands of other servers to "screw around" on.


These are not part of those thousands.


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I'm pretty sure it's actually more along the lines of the fact that we value maturity, which you seem to lack. In fact, based upon your logic, you're probably also a budding sociopath. This is the same concept as getting kicked out of a strip bar for touching the strippers. "But I didn't hurt anything". Well, maybe not, but you still don't do shit like that.



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I'm pretty sure it's actually more along the lines of the fact that we value maturity, which you seem to lack. In fact, based upon your logic, you're probably also a budding sociopath. This is the same concept as getting kicked out of a strip bar for touching the strippers. "But I didn't hurt anything". Well, maybe not, but you still don't do shit like that.




I don't have a word on this but I think you should give him another chance.


He his VERY active on the HG servers .


He also has been playing for a while. I don't think he would harm anyone.


He is also the funniest guy alive...

Edited by KusH
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I'm pretty sure it's actually more along the lines of the fact that we value maturity, which you seem to lack. In fact, based upon your logic, you're probably also a budding sociopath. This is the same concept as getting kicked out of a strip bar for touching the strippers. "But I didn't hurt anything". Well, maybe not, but you still don't do shit like that.






From, Global.

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Well, he wasnt the only one in that game that was doing it. Even one of our more senior members was using some hacks. Idk if he was punished because of this, but if he is not then it is favoritism. Especially since the hacks that the other man was using was a wall/aimbot combination. And seeing as i was in the server as well, i can vouch that Mmmmmm is a good person. He did not get any kills, did not plant the bomb, and did not do anything wrong. It was pregame, i, along with most others, thought it was actually quite funny. I'm not saying hacks are right. But i am saying that this is a silly thing to get upset about. Wingless, im not bashing you by ANY means when i say this, but you said that some things require a certain level of maturity. And i think it was semi-immature to get so upset about this. Mmmm is a really cool person and very fun to play with. Just go in the JB server and ask peoples opinion on him. I promise you will recieve straight "Awesome guy" across the board. So i request that you would please un-globally ban him. Thank you.------Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. Typing fast. g2g to football :/

Edited by Wyatt
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I was wrong about HG. You guys really dont care about the people on your servers. All you want is your money. Once you get that, you dont give a shit what happens.


If we ban you wouldn't that mean we care about the people that play on our servers and want them to have the best CSS experience they can. It doesn't matter if you didn't kill anyone, you hacked.



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He was hacking in the public scrim server, he's an HG recruit, I've never seen him, what makes you so sure he wouldn't hack if we unbanned him, unless he paid for the hack, and even then if it's not EA or the big O he's going to get vac banned anyways. All of you guys are so raged when hackers come into our servers and put reports out but this guy deserves to be unbanned, fucking pathetic. Let's start unbanning the speedhackers and guys with no recoil and see what y'all think. Kthnxfuckyou.

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