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Short-tempered -hg- Ninja


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1. Abuser name:-hg- Ninja

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What sever: JailBreak

4. About what time: Last night maybe around 8?

5. PROOF: ninjaabuse_th.png



6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.


Ninja, sorry man but I hate abusers.


Jerry started playing music, so I muted him. Five seconds later, you kick him with no warning. He comes back and challenges you on it (which he should have because it was unfair) and you started being disrespectful first. You claim he was spamming and being disrespectful....I have proof otherwise. Also you warned him? I didn't see ANY form of warning other than you threatening to ban him.



I highly doubt this is enough abuse to suspend your admin, but I want it on record.



Get a McFlurry and chill the fuck out!

Edited by Slazenger
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That is abuse?

I don't see anything wrong with what happened.


He tried to explain to the kid who kept trying to argue his point.

If he would just stop playing the music, it would have ended.....


"Oh sorry, I didn't know I couldn't play music"

"Well you can't."

"Ok, sorry."


BAM....back to gameplay....

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It's more the way that Ninja carried himself as an admin. Kicking without warning and then threatening a ban for no good reason is abuse imo.




As I said, I'm not looking for action to be taken but for this to be on record if anything else pops up.

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Your evidence shows the kid being disrespectful first.

The kick was based on that. (unless he kicked him twice, which I don't see here)


If he is going to call me gay for muting him, then I want to see what he will call me when I kick him.


He even said that he muted him before the kick happened.

But your comment says that he kicked him once the music started?


Also, why would people be allowed to play music...when that server is ALL about vocal communication?

I am not defending ninja in his overall admin abilities, but this instance is nothing.

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I'd honestly agree with vandium here. Ninja had every right to kick him when the guy was being disrespectful and challenging him.



The only thing that should've changed is that they should not have been discussing this on the server over chat. This is a private matter and you shouldn't be arguing about it for several minutes over chat. That just makes everyone involved looked bad, as well at the server.

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