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Just my luck


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I parked my car

went in a restaurant, ordered my food, walked outside to sitdown and wait with my friends for our food

old man decides to place his metal step and foor into my bumper, and headlight.


He's paying for everything,(bumper, foglight case, headlight, and headlight assembly, seeing as that light now points at the ground) since I was legally parked, and he just forgot how to fucking drive his truck.


Not a whole lot of damage, but it's my NEW car so it ruined my day. Also, when the cop immediatley asks if it was my fault since I was younger than him, yeah dude, I shoved my parked car into his while he wasn't looking.

Edited by John
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Looking at those pics how could it POSSIBLY be your fault??


I gave the cop the MOST dumbfounded look ever I didn't understand if he was serious or not, but I guess because the guy who did it must have been in his late 50's and I'm 18, it must have been me.

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That sucks, I hate a new car that turns into a repaired car because of some dumbass.

But you are also lucky. If you didn't happen to be outside, he coulda took off.


That feels worse than catching the person who did it.


Sucks though, and now you definatly cannot drive my car.

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