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Unban Sxinc


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1. Your in-game name: ï®’ҳأøc

2. Server that you were banned on: I only use Office but says Web

3. The Banning admin: HG | Soccercrzy195

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:8626048

5. Reason for ban: Stealing clan tags and recruiting


I don't use clans for this reason of drama, Someone was being a reall arse to Man Panda bout the tags instead of asking nicely so I put them on and then stoped yelling about it. I took the tags off after that. Everyone knows me on Office, I dont usually NEVER have tags on and the only one i did recently was [sEC] as a joke with Kyu cause he told me to. Can I please be unabnned. It was all a joke and a misunderstanding, Im sorry.

Edited by Sxinc
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unban him IMO


Just remember that being a dick is fun, just be careful about what you dick around about.


that is all


Also, dicks


I agree! btw.. that is a sexy signature. Also just a FYI I put on beast tag before that to be a dick to them because every time they come in the server Liquid mic spams or they all spam the mic with little children voices and they seem to grow every day.


I am sorry.. Please let me back..

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Personally, I would say stay banned for a couple days. Even if you were just joking around, recruiting is one of the harshest punished here at HG. Don't put another clans tags on unless you are part of that clan. I say stay banned for a couple days until you realize it isn't something to joke about.

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