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not abuse Unreasonable Kicks/gags By Certifiedcaniyellnow?


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1. Abuser name: CertifiedCanIYellNow

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:43384997

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 9:00 PST

5. PROOF: Attached




Appeals of Admin Abuse


Daß eß ßett,











I, Daß eß ßett, Clansmen of Heilige Scheiße, in the name and authority of Heilige Scheiße, do accuse CertifiedCanIYellNow of the crime of abusing gags and kicks with means of a wrongful threat, for the intents of silencing curiosity and asserting his own power, abusing bans as shown by evidential URL: http://hellsgamers.c...asicm-unbantech, and breaching the peace and dignity of Hells Gamers Jailbreak.


Daß eß ßett, declares under penalty of looking like a bitch:


I am a frequent player of the Hells Gamers jailbreak server.


My experience with said admin is explained in the following information;


That on the 14th day of May, 2014. The accused CertifiedCanIYellNow did commit the crime of abusing gags and kicks on the Hells Gamers Jailbreak server.


The video has evidence of the logs. Many of us players were confused as to why Tech got banned. We started asking the defendant and another admin why he got banned, we checked the ban's, and we just got "malicious behavior". We were confused as to what this meant, so we asked the defendant. He told us to drop it, saying we were never going to get him unbanned, saying he's never welcome back, etc etc. We (a few players) put #UnbanTech on our names to show support for tech. We acknowledge he's likely never coming back, but we can still show out support, right? We simply explained to the defendant that all we wanted was to know why he got banned, if we knew why we might end up even supporting the defendant on this. However rather than giving us even so much as a brief explanation as to tech's ban, the admins then started to threaten us over all chat, saying to stop asking about Tech, or we're all getting banned for starting drama. At this point I started asking the defendant if there was a rule against drama. The defendant could not respond.


Without a clear answer, I stated that asking about Tech does not constitute as disrespecting other players, nor does it violate the rule against racism. Somewhere along these lines the defendant mentioned that Tech is never coming back, that no permanent ban is ever overturned when it comes to these things. I referred to the case of Pho getting unbanned for his implied racism ban under the name "Judge Dredd" back in November (Case viewable here: http://hellsgamers.c...racism-unbanpho), and stated that it does happen. A little bit afterwards, someone came in the room asking what happened to tech (Evidence of this part in video), I explained in one line "Tech was banned, no explaination." I was immediately gagged by by the defendant, and someone on all chat (presumably the defendant) posted "There is an explanation, it's on the ban. Malicious activity." I find great issue with this gag in particular, because no rules were broken. Someone asked, I explained, I got gagged.


Angry, I changed my name to "Daß #AdminFascism #UnbanTech" I admit, you COULD consider this part to be disrespect. But it's also hard to argue that gagging someone for asking questions about punishment is an element of a Fascist state, correct? Authority by punishment. I was immediately kicked and threatened with a ban by the defendant. The defendant failed to tell me what rule I was breaking.


So I removed the #AdminFascism from my name, realizing it could be associated with disrespect, re-enter the room. Play a few rounds being pretty quiet about things, and I get removed (Not sure if kick or ban) with the only explaination on the disconnect screen being #UnbanTech. Presumably due to me leaving the #UnbanTech in my name



I believe these kicks/gags/bans are unjustified. All I had done was ask questions. I did not insult anyone. I did not break any of the rules. I merely asked why a major member of the community got banned. We banded together to show our support for him, and we got stomped on. The only argument given against me by the defendant was "we told you to stop!". However, admin word is not law, and admins cannot accuse people of breaking rules that don't even exist. I never started drama, I just wanted answers. The drama started when the admins demanded that we not ask questions, else face punishment.


The defendant and I have had issues in the past where I was gagged/kicked for "Disrespect" because I questioned the legitimacy of his previous bans/kicks, and for pointing out unreasonable mutes.


The defendant has a a previous instance of abusing his admin powers gag people, as shown by here: http://hellsgamers.c...iedcaniyellnow/


My request is that my ban (although it will be retroactive) gets disapproved, have the defendant; CertifiedCanIYellNow recieve a strict and formal warning about abusing gags, and for the plaintiff recieve a formal apology from the accused.




Dated, May 15th, 2014


Video evidence:

Edited by Hankeybillfred
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First of all one before I bring beast in here to handle this.

You were told several time to stop asking about a certain ban. You are not entitled to a explanation.

By complaining how you are entitled to one, and then adding your stupid hash tag to continue it.

I gagged you for not shutting up about it when told to stop, regardless of the gag you went on to be kicked, and then banned.

I kicked you again for being on the sever for having a active ban on you for 6 hours. There is no way I will let someone being punish be on the server get around their punishment. And your constant disrespect toward HG decisions are not to be tolerated. Also toward the fellow admins that govern the servers and/or site.

Check the logs


http://imgur.com/a/LPCXR and this is your chat history.


Now to simplify it for you.

1. Stop whining

2. You are not entitled to a answer if it does not involve you

3. Any information that is marked as to not talk about is obviously do not talk about.

4.Start doing what rules 1-3 are saying.

Edited by CanIYellNow@
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You were gagged because we told actually the whole server numerous times to stop talking about the tech ban, you continued until you were gagged.


You then changed you name to have #unbantech which is to cause drama which at first I didn't mind even though other admins asked me to have you change it, but I suggest you not to have that anymore unless you want to attract unwanted attention.


The actual part that got me was when you put #adminfacism on your name. When you start disrespecting the other admins and myself because of your idiotic shenanigans that's where I draw the line.


If you keep this attitude up in the server you won't be here for long. Not Abuse.

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