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not abuse Dr.donny Abusing


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1. Abuser name: Dr.Donny

2. Their Steam Id: No Idea

3. What server: Jail Break css

4. About what time: 10pm central

5. PROOF: http://gyazo.com/443...1d2c0f499e8578a

6. Please tell us about the incident

I asked donny to gag/kick someone for calling me a fatass because It offended me. Next thing you know, I get kicked for this. I got gagged last night for calling an admin fat, I don't think it's fair that admins can kick me for this, they should gag him / kick him.

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ok so i am going to get ahold of brick as he has screen shots of kyloliz trolling and complaining about a previous gag from last night (i was not involved in that but the constant spam about it was getting annoying) both brick and me gave kyloliz multiple warnings to drop the subject and then after the numerous warnings brick issued a kick. a couple hours past and kyloliz rejoined the server and immediately demands for someone to be gagged for disrespect for doing the exact same thing he was gagged for. it seemed very odd to me that they both joined the server around the same time and instantly there was issues. it seems that kyloliz is trying to bait admins into possibly doing something wrong because he feels he was wrongly gagged last night.


tl;dr kyloliz has been trolling all day, warned multiple times, kicked. plain and simple

will get ahold of brick for screenshots


i have attached two screenshots of two kicks for kyloliz trolling today.



Edited by Donny1020
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The following proof is from Kyloliz obviously trolling. He's picking at the ban he recieved from CRC from the Disrespect. We've warned him multiple times as you can see through kicks and held off the ban. But now that he brings up a abuse report I believe he truly does need an extended ban.


#1 http://imgur.com/wN9cISF

#2 http://imgur.com/pvnKWUa

#3 http://imgur.com/NxxWGiq

#4 http://imgur.com/bPCRsBk

#5 http://imgur.com/EuVS0rL

#6 http://imgur.com/YEpxOoo

#7 http://imgur.com/MpQKmbS

#8 http://imgur.com/2TLJ2Rp

#9 http://imgur.com/RSwdA6F

Edited by Brick
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