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I got an Iphone! (3gS)


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Arnt blackberry's primarily for business people?


no, blackberry's are for people who don't need an app to calculate a 15% tip and don't want to void their warranty (jailbreak) in order to have cool features. I use my BB to post on forums, check/send email from my personal/work email accts, text message (actual keyboard > virtual keyboard), blackberry messenger, look at youtube... they also have yahooIM, AIM, googletalk, facebook and myspace apps if you are into that."Documents to Go" is cool because you can read and edit ms word and excel attatchments to emails. GPS turn by turn nav, googls maps, video and still pics etc.


Terry is just mad cause I still have pice of him when he was chubby and he knows I will post them if he does not stfu :rofl:

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no, blackberry's are for people who don't need an app to calculate a 15% tip and don't want to void their warranty (jailbreak) in order to have cool features. I use my BB to post on forums, check/send email from my personal/work email accts, text message (actual keyboard > virtual keyboard), blackberry messenger, look at youtube... they also have yahooIM, AIM, googletalk, facebook and myspace apps if you are into that."Documents to Go" is cool because you can read and edit ms word and excel attatchments to emails. GPS turn by turn nav, googls maps, video and still pics etc.


Terry is just mad cause I still have pice of him when he was chubby and he knows I will post them if he does not stfu :rofl:


What he said. It's very feature rich. It's a utility phone instead of something you use to make fart noises. The fact that proper BES configuration makes it quite handy for work use is aside from the point :P

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no, blackberry's are for people who don't need an app to calculate a 15% tip and don't want to void their warranty (jailbreak) in order to have cool features. I use my BB to post on forums, check/send email from my personal/work email accts, text message (actual keyboard > virtual keyboard), blackberry messenger, look at youtube... they also have yahooIM, AIM, googletalk, facebook and myspace apps if you are into that."Documents to Go" is cool because you can read and edit ms word and excel attatchments to emails. GPS turn by turn nav, googls maps, video and still pics etc.


Terry is just mad cause I still have pice of him when he was chubby and he knows I will post them if he does not stfu :rofl:


Im still fat , I'm 175 now lol..going for 190!

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