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Never trust a hippie

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I went through 3 dogs passing away from when I was a toddler to being a teen. It can be very tough but, you just know they are in a better place and they enjoyed their life with you as much as you did with them. ;)

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Had to put him down recently. I was 12 when we got him, im 26 now, he had a good run for a big dog. I feel like shit. Ive been crying my eyes out.


I the know the feeling... it took me time to stop missing mine as well... got to remember he is in a better place

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Time will heal all wounds. Just know that you gave him a great life. It was his time to leave....he will always be in your heart and around you. You know you loved him, and he knows you loved him. He loved you too. All animals love their owners more than some people can grasp a hold of. It will hurt awhile...but like I said....time will heal all wounds!


I am here if you want to talk! :-) I am a BIG animal person...my mother runs a pet rescue...so I know a lot about animals!!!

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I remember when mine had to be put down...that was a terrible day for me and everyone I came in contact with. I know it sucks, but what sorta made me feel better was that she wasn't in pain anymore. She wound up getting hip dysplasia (sp?). Sadly, she was only 5 when she was put down.

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My fiance' and I have a german sheperd as well, 8 years old and is very large for a german shepard pup. About 2 weeks ago, our dog began protecting its rear left leg and then appeared to be in some discomfort. Oddly, there were no warning signs, and it just came on suddenly.


Fiance' is a vet assistant, our pup is suffering from hip dysplisia[sp?]; treating with pain med's right now, but will probably need an procedure done...where they literally chisel away the top portion of the femural leg bone... as the top is gradually moving out of the socket of the hip...german sheperds are prone to this type of problem[genetics]... even though she is not considered to be a true german sheperd at least by akc standards due to the white gene...she has white on her chest, and white paws, and a white tip on her tail...again genetics of the breed...


At least you know, your pet is in a better place, and most important is pain free and no longer suffering.


-the pup

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My fiance' and I have a german sheperd as well, 8 years old and is very large for a german shepard pup. About 2 weeks ago, our dog began protecting its rear left leg and then appeared to be in some discomfort. Oddly, there were no warning signs, and it just came on suddenly.


Fiance' is a vet assistant, our pup is suffering from hip dysplisia[sp?]; treating with pain med's right now, but will probably need an procedure done...where they literally chisel away the top portion of the femural leg bone... as the top is gradually moving out of the socket of the hip...german sheperds are prone to this type of problem[genetics]... even though she is not considered to be a true german sheperd at least by akc standards due to the white gene...she has white on her chest, and white paws, and a white tip on her tail...again genetics of the breed...


At least you know, your pet is in a better place, and most important is pain free and no longer suffering.


-the pup


Old yeller that bitch

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My fiance' and I have a german sheperd as well, 8 years old and is very large for a german shepard pup. About 2 weeks ago, our dog began protecting its rear left leg and then appeared to be in some discomfort. Oddly, there were no warning signs, and it just came on suddenly.


Fiance' is a vet assistant, our pup is suffering from hip dysplisia[sp?]; treating with pain med's right now, but will probably need an procedure done...where they literally chisel away the top portion of the femural leg bone... as the top is gradually moving out of the socket of the hip...german sheperds are prone to this type of problem[genetics]... even though she is not considered to be a true german sheperd at least by akc standards due to the white gene...she has white on her chest, and white paws, and a white tip on her tail...again genetics of the breed...


At least you know, your pet is in a better place, and most important is pain free and no longer suffering.


-the pup


I'll provide a shotgun, unless you want a rifle.

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:D I appreciate all the support. Even the comments that may be a little too "real". Thankfully he didnt have that hip problem that they get, he like to chase cats and had a secret side family he would sometimes dissapear to, he was so fucking smart, he was a full blooded german shepard and as smart as a human. i remember we had to register him with a german name for some records.

Im a super big animal person also, i give every month to the a.s.p.c.a. He was my boy ill never forget him, but life will go on. TANKS!

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Time will heal all wounds. Just know that you gave him a great life. It was his time to leave....he will always be in your heart and around you. You know you loved him, and he knows you loved him. He loved you too. All animals love their owners more than some people can grasp a hold of. It will hurt awhile...but like I said....time will heal all wounds!


I am here if you want to talk! :-) I am a BIG animal person...my mother runs a pet rescue...so I know a lot about animals!!!


well i might have to take you up on that offer ^^ just cuz your so cute. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008429456

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