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not enough info Banned For No Reason (Also Over Forced Admin)

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So I was with the mayor and we got kicked for just standing around inside a building (what the hell) by prometheus and so we rejoined and my friend was mayor again and so someone tried to kill him so he went to the building, The admin prometheus (teejay) came to the building and I came too. He just slayed me for no reason but standing and watching the ordeal with flightranger (don jon). (he then tried to insult me by calling my penis small) Then he proceeded to converse with my friend who he prefered obviously because of the deeper voice. So I died and went to get away from the building and have some fun. I drove my atv into izzys palace. I didn't know you were not allowed to have cars in buildings. So he said he would kick me. I said that I would take the car out of the building but he gave me no time. so I was kicked. Then I waited a little while and rejoined hoping that teejay got a little less butthurt and so I was cautious. I went to town and to bk and suddenly got banned for nothing by impakt I learned later. Impakt banned me for apparantly cdm ing and rdming which I have done none of. So as I tried to have fun on this server I faced and abusive admin and his buddy backed him up. Leaving me banned and with a sour taste in my mouth.








The picture was not uploaded it said error 403

Edited by weegeekiller (notatheif)
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