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The Exposed Are Now Here


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Today I ask you all to please take a look at this. This conflict has been going on for a long time and needs to come to an end. This is all the proof I have of our continous conflict.



3:01 AM - abc dino retard: abc dino retard: man i wanted to play comp

Harvey Specter: sry bb

abc dino retard: oh u ;) just find ways to my heart

Harvey Specter: dud wtf im with blank stop trying to make a move on me

Harvey Specter: wtf

Harvey Specter: stop

abc dino retard: LOL

3:01 AM - abc dino retard: he cheated on u

3:01 AM - Kuroha Neko: wow

3:01 AM - Kuroha Neko: IM pming him this, this has to stop now

3:01 AM - abc dino retard: ok

3:02 AM - Kuroha Neko: justing why are you cheating on me

3:02 AM - Kuroha Neko: [3:02:37 AM] ` Justin: dude wtf i told him to lay off me

3:03 AM - abc dino retard: LOL




[3:03:59 AM] ` Justin: BLANK WTF - Kuroha Neko: You do know i cheated on justin with meek right dont tell justin please

[3:04:05 AM] ` Justin: Y R UCHEATING ON ME ANIME FGT

[3:04:38 AM] ` Justin: dude blank if u dont come clean right now we r done


He also told me to nibble on jonkers ear so he could record me in ts3



I am originally with Jonkers, he is my lover and I cannot ignore that please help us get rid of justin, he is causes drama to us.


edit 3:20 AM EST -

3:13 AM - Kuroha Neko: http://hellsgamers.c...d-are-now-here/

3:13 AM - abc dino retard: thank you blank, for doing this for us.

3:13 AM - abc dino retard: I love you


Edit 3:35 AM EST -

<03:35:30> "[Magic] Magic": blank

<03:35:33> "[Magic] Magic": I love you


now magic is harrassing me










why must i cry

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i take no part in this anime relationship



I would like to expose the exposer here. MyMindIsBlank has been harassing Myself, Magic, as well as Jonkers within teamspeak and steam with such messages that are very disturbing. Neither of us would like any part in this kind of relationship with him. Exposer , exposed.



I actually find this sickening that he would try and blame such acts upon us when in reality it is only him that feels this way.

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My thread gets locked about a Tinychat Party and they let this shit stay up Fucking funny how low Hg has fallen.


this post broke my hilarity meter and the resulting explosion was my untimely demise rip in peace

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