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Rules Of Engagement.


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Two people in the same org are sitting pretty far apart. Cop walks up to org member A for some valid reason, and attempts to arrest him. Org member B will come running down the block, and proceed to shoot the cop in the back.


Org member A walks around in public with a shotgun on his back, and runs away from a cop trying to arrest him. He quick draws his shotgun at point blank, and mows down the cop.


A cop is chasing a guy because he tried to evade a speeding ticket. Guy pulls a shotgun out of his back pocket, and simply shoots the cop when he turns the corner.


Somewhere the rules apparently says that if a cop aims at you, you can draw a gun and shoot him. I personally think a few rules need to be added to make playing cop less shit. A cop is supposed to run up to a guy who is clearly armed, and attempt to handcuff him? Pulling a shotgun out of your back pocket while in a chase or a cop holding you gunpoint? Running to the edge of the city because you saw a cop murder your friend, and shoot the cop for it? Just no.




1. Allow cops to make a demand for them to DROP their gun, and shoot them if they don't.

2. Make asspulling against rules. (equipping a gun in the middle of a fight / chase.)

3. Make running half way across the city to avenge people against rules. I have seen a org member run pretty much from the car garage to the gas station in the main city just to shoot a cop. If you want to defend your friend, then stick beside them.


Other solutions:

1. Make taser ragdoll.

Edited by Jtod
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Rule 1 was in place and was taken away, it was virtually impossible for cops to arrest the victim and overall it just caused problems. Taser also used to ragdoll


It is still impossible. Except it ends with the cop getting killed. Simply bind a key to yell, "Drop the gun!" and after a few seconds (and they haven't dropped it) shoot em in the leg, or a few warning shots to see if they resist. If they do, shoot 'em. At least the cop would have a option. Currently, they are only allowed to rambo charge up to them and attempt to cuff 'em, despite knowing they will shoot them if they do. It is adding options, not removing them. I don't see how it would make it harder to catch a criminal.


As for the taser, I knew about it when it rag dolled. I was there. :V The taser is simply a optional thing. I do not care much for it.

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It is still impossible. Except it ends with the cop getting killed. Simply bind a key to yell, "Drop the gun!" and after a few seconds (and they haven't dropped it) shoot em in the leg, or a few warning shots to see if they resist. If they do, shoot 'em. At least the cop would have a option. Currently, they are only allowed to rambo charge up to them and attempt to cuff 'em, despite knowing they will shoot them if they do. It is adding options, not removing them. I don't see how it would make it harder to catch a criminal.


As for the taser, I knew about it when it rag dolled. I was there. :V The taser is simply a optional thing. I do not care much for it.

Like I said man it caused problems. People would kos cops because as soon as the cop said the bind they would be able to get shot. Cops would be dead before they could even say the bind in some sitatuons


How it is now a cop has a chance to arrest someone without being seen or having to say something, rather than the cop walking up to someone and asking for them to remove their gun.

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I didn't say "They -MUST- ask." They have a option. They can still go for the stealth approach. I am talking about the situation where someone is running away, and they have a gun visible. They already know you are after them. You can yell for them to drop the gun, and simply light them up if they keep running with the gun on their back. As for shooting the cop the second he tells you to drop the gun, that is why you aim at them. If they shoot you before you ask them to drop it, and you are not aiming a gun at them, they are clearly breaking a rule. If they turn around at you with it in their hands, you can simply shoot them. You don't have to ask them to drop it, but you can. If they don't after you ask them, then you can use lethal force.

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  • 4 months later...

After a long break, I am back, and I see this rule has still not been added. There is only one thing this would do, and that is increase cop survival rates. By a lot. Sure, maybe in real life, you are not able to shoot until they point a gun at you. The problem? This is a game. You can't see them reaching for their gun. It just suddenly appears in their hands, and they shoot you. In real life, you can see when they are about to reach for a gun.


Everything will be the same, except cops won't be forced to suicide by running at criminals. My key point is, they -DON'T- have to ask you to drop your gun, but if they do, they can shoot you to death / wound you if you don't. They can still ninja arrest like always.


I still HEAVILY recommend that this be added. I have seen too many players fall victim to the garbage point blank shotgun tactic. Myself included. I have played as a cop on this server for a while, and I still hate the fact criminals force you to run right up to them to get killed.


Nothing makes me angrier than a civilian backpedaling with a shotgun on his back, waiting for me to get within range for him to shoot.

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  • 8 months later...

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