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not enough info Ccc Cooler/jajolt Ddos Threat


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Backstory: Met him in a TF2 server months ago and recently have received some keys and was looking to sell them. I continually asked all of my friends if they were interested in buying keys,and mostly none of them were interested.I was talking to CCC Cooler than you, which is jajolt.I will admit i was pushing kinda i was trying to receive a profit of some sort, but he overreacted after i sent him a few trade requests begging him to buy, because i had received no bites from any of my friends on steam.we got into an arguement over steam, and then he blantantly said he was going to "DDos" attack me if i kept pestering him with the trade requests that I had sent earlier. I was going to negative rep on his steam profile, and remembered that I can just go to hellsgamers and go ahead and complain about it there.Since he is affilated with one of the largest communities, there has to be someone that can view this over.

Proof: http://i.imgur.com/nZYqXYE.png

Abuser: Jajolt/ CCC Cooler than you

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:44428981


Thank you, Utiok.

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Thats fucking faked. You've never been on my friends list, and I don't trade. Not to mention I have no idea HOW to DDoS.


Oh, and there's more to the chat. You scrolled down. What is above the "hey wanna buy some keys?"


EDIT: One more thing. I typed to the people that will be dealing with this report and the whole community as my main and only form of communication for well over a year. I am positive they know that that is not the way I type, even casually in steam messages.


Also, at the end of the chat it said "go ahead and leave a negative comment". You never mentioned anything about that in the chat that you show. And, directly above that, you say "wow I can't believe you just said that". That response seems a little fake to me, wouldn't you agree?

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We need a screenshot of your steam showing the URL of his profile so that it shows you are friends with him to prove this is indeed Jajolt and not a person impersonating him and also show me the entire chat so that I can see the time stamp of date when he messaged you and what happened previously.


Also please provide your Steam ID


Edit: didnt provide anything in time.

Edited by RedDevil6193
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