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Oh, God.


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Here are some few tricks you can do so you can the pootang anytime brah (trust me, im an expert):

1. Say "ay bby want sum fuk?"

2. "Woo" her with some cheesy pickup line (Ex. Do you work at Subway? Because you just gave me a footlong)

3. Slowly start talking to her and just ask for her number! Might be awk but you'll get somewhere

4. Text her every day! But don't be nitpicky about it, just take it slow and enjoy it

5. Fuck her right in the pussy

6. Buy her Starbucks

7. Ask her out to dinner


I could list SO much more, but I'll condense it to that much. Good luck friend! <3 :]

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Don't go ring her doorbell just for her number. I would rather ask if she would want to hang out sometime (a movie or grab lunch one day etc etc) You can ask for her number when you guys are out. The worst that can happen is that she will decline. Girls like confidence.

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you messed up not asking for her number when you saw her. Going to her house is something I wouldn't do. If you really want her number run into her again, follow her when she leaves the house. Just don't get out of hand. realtalk.


dont be a stalker


got it

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add her on facebook

if that does not work go to her house house and paint ur dick as if it where a joint, then u get high together and u tell her u have a bigger joint, and then u show her dick and she'll be like daaaaaaaaaaamn homie, that's small, rip in peace

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add her on facebook

if that does not work go to her house house and paint ur dick as if it where a joint, then u get high together and u tell her u have a bigger joint, and then u show her dick and she'll be like daaaaaaaaaaamn homie, that's small, rip in peace



and fuck you mike.

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